Claire Littleton


Claire Littleton was one of the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815, a single mother who gave birth on the Island.

Claire flew to Los Angeles at the coaxing of a psychic to give up her unborn child for adoption. She crashed on to the Island, where she began an inconsistent relationship with fellow survivor Charlie Pace. One of the Others kidnapped her, and she suffered amnesia after escape. She later gave birth to her son, Aaron Littleton, and did her best to take care of him despite being a reluctant mother.

Her relationship with Charlie grew stronger after he rescued Aaron from Danielle Rousseau, but when Claire learned of Charlie’s past with drugs and witnessed his erratic behavior, she became reluctant to let him into her and Aaron’s life. When Charlie sacrificed himself to save the other survivors, Claire heeded his warning about their alleged rescuers and joined Locke’s group. Her house was destroyed during an attack, but she escaped unharmed. She soon after followed the figure of her dead father into the jungle, where she stayed for three years.

Though supposedly „infected“ beyond redemption, she helped the other survivors upon their return, and she escaped with them, planning to return to Aaron off-island. In the flash-sideways, she gave birth to Aaron anew, and they moved on together with their friends.

Episode statistics

  • Claire’s episode count is 72 as of „The End„, yet she is credited with 96 episodes.
    • Three of her appearances were made solely by her flash-sideways counterpart.
  • Claire was the eighth character to ever have a flashback and the 10th character to ever have a flash sideways.
  • Claire has met all of the main characters, except Daniel, Eloise and Pierre.
    • Claire saw Pierre and Daniel in the flash-sideways timeline.
      • It is also possible that she met Eloise while attending the concert.
  • Claire has never appeared in the 7th episode of a season.
  • Claire has a total of 5 centric episodes, having 2 multi-centric in the 6th season.
    • The Last Recruit„, in Season 6, marked the first time Claire received a flash during a multi-centric episode (although she was originally meant to have one in Exodus, her scene was deleted, along with Sayid’s, and can only be seen on the Season 1 DVD).
  • Claire is the main character that survived the entire series with fewest centric episodes per episode appearances, with 5 centric episodes in her 71 appearances.
    • Claire is also the main alive character with the longest time since having an individual centric episode, not having one since Season 3 (Frank did not have an individual centric episode, so he does not count).
  • Claire is one of three characters portrayed by principal cast in Season 2 never to appear in the Swan (the other two being Shannon and Walt).
    • She is the only such character to have been a regular for the entire season (Walt was credited as main cast only for his appearances, and Shannon was only a regular until „Collision„).
  • Claire is one of the six characters to appear in all six seasons and Missing Pieces along with Jin, Sun, Christian, Hurley and Jack.
  • Claire is also one of the final few confirmed Oceanic Flight 815 survivors, along with her son Aaron, Hurley, Kate, Sawyer, Bernard, Rose, Walt, Cindy, Zack, Emma and Vincent.


  • Her name is not mentioned on-screen until „Walkabout„.
  • She, like her brother, was born on a Wednesday.
  • Claire was the first prominent survivor to meet Tom Friendly, Alex Rousseau and the first to visit the interior of the Temple and of a DHARMA infrastructure (the Staff).
    • Claire was the second prominent survivor to visit the interior of Jacob’s cabin and the only one to use the cabin as a „temporary home“.
  • Although Claire has been a main character since Season 1, her first on-screen murder was shown in the last season, Season 6.
    • She is, together with Ana Lucia and Juliet, the female main character with the highest kill count on the Island, and she being the only one alive.
  • Claire is one of few characters to be regular for more than one season to not feature in some way her childhood. The same happens to Jin, Michael, Desmond and Shannon.
    • If we count the finale billing, Boone and Libby are also included.
  • Although brother and sister, Claire and Jack went on opposite sides in terms of staying on the Island or leaving on season 4, though by „The End“ the opposite happened.
    • Claire and Sawyer left the Island for the first time in the last episode, „The End„.
      • Claire, Sawyer and Kate are the only survivors of Flight 815 who leave the Island at the finale.
  • Claire and Sawyer are the only original main characters to arrive on the Island in „Pilot, Part 1„, stay on the Island the entire series, and then leave in „The End„. However, Sawyer did leave the mainland on the raft and Galaga, whereas Claire only ever went out to Hydra Island.
  • Claire and Michael are the only main characters to return to main cast status after leaving the show. Other former characters like Libby, Charlie, Charlotte, Juliet, Daniel, Boone, and Shannon returned for the series Finale.
  • Claire was originally intended to be the surrogate mother of her friends, Ruth and Stuart’s baby.
  • According to Hurley, Claire is very influential among the survivors. („Left Behind„)
  • Claire has once been described by writers to be the heart and soul of the survivors.
  • Claire was eight months pregnant when Oceanic 815 crashed.
  • Claire and Charlie share moments in the very end of almost every season:
    • In the final moments of seasons 1 and 2, Claire is shown reconciling with Charlie.
      • Claire and Charlie were the last two main characters to be seen in Season 2.
    • This is also shown in the next-to-last episode of Season 3, sealed with a kiss and the last time they see each other.
    • On Season 6, the final moments show Claire and Charlie moving on.
  • Claire has appeared pregnant in every season, except season 4
  • Claire came across a Death Adder while on a walkabout in Australia, in the Lost novel Endangered Species.
  • Claire’s birthday is October 27 (The same day the Red Sox won the World Series).
  • Claire’s accident in the water is the way that Joanna died. They were both caught in some sort of riptide and swept out to sea. („White Rabbit„) („Flashes Before Your Eyes„)
  • Claire believes in astrology. Her Sun sign is Scorpio; the eighth sign of the Zodiac.
  • Claire has a model airplane on her bedside table.[1] („Raised by Another„)

Outside World

  • During an interview about the episode „Par Avion„, Emilie de Ravin stated that the period in which the flashbacks occurred during this episode were based when Claire was 17. Since Claire is 22 on the Island, this indicates that the year of the flashbacks during „Par Avion“ was either late 1999 or early to mid 2000.
  • Emilie de Ravin has had the most changes in contract out of all cast members. From „Pilot, Part 1“ to „Homecoming„, Emilie de Ravin was actually a guest star, possibly on a short-term or episode-specific contract, meaning she had legal obligations to portray Claire when stipulated throughout the original 13 ordered episodes (after the „Pilot“), but it’s possible based on her guest star billing that she could pursue other work. Therefore, in the episodes in which she appeared, she was billed as a regular. She made it to a series regular contract by „Outlaws“ after ABC picked up „the back nine“ and the show was picked up for an entire season (episodes 16 – 24/25)[2]. As of „There’s No Place Like Home, Parts 2 & 3„, Emilie de Ravin was demoted to a holding contract due to Claire’s absence, and did not appear in Season 5.
    • This makes Claire the first (and to this day, only) character to have been on a short-term contract and promoted to a full-season regular status, though characters such as Ana Lucia,Eko, Ben, Desmond, Richard, Frank and Ilana have made the jump from recurring guest star to regular status, and characters such as Walt (in season 2) and Charlie (in Season 4) have made the jump from regular status to guest star with star billing.
    • This technically means that Claire was the first non-regular character to have a flashback/centric-episode.
  • Throughout Season 4 and Season 6, Emilie de Ravin wore a long blond wig due to cutting her hair into a 1920s-style bob for her role in the 2009 film Public Enemies and never growing it back.
  • De Ravin starred in the show Roswell in which she played an alien named Tess Harding/Ava who gets pregnant and leaves the earth before the pregnancy is visible.
  • In the movie Brick, de Ravin played Emily, a girl murdered in her third month of her pregnancy.




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