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Mitch and Olivia


Mitch was a member of DHARMA Initiative security. When Stuart, Horace, Phil, and other personnel were interrogating LaFleur and Juliet about where Kate and Jack ran off to in the jungle, Mitch informed them that Kate, Jack, and Hugo were three last-minute additions to the sub manifest. He later escorted LaFleur and Juliet to the Galaga. („Follow the Leader„)

After the submarine went underwater, he passed out sedatives to the passengers. When he reached Juliet, she knocked him out and took his keys in order to free herself and the others from their handcuffs. („The Incident, Part 1„)

  • In the casting call Mitch was described as „Any ethnicity, 30s. A security man with enough intelligence and physical menace to be good at his job, but he’s not moving into management.“



Olivia was a schoolteacher for the DHARMA Initiative on the Island in the mid-1970s. According to „Cabin Fever-Enhanced„, she was Horace Goodspeed‘s wife, but this has been left unclear, since Horace was shown married to Amy sometime between 1974 and 1977. („LaFleur„) On the other hand, the Lost Encyclopedia refers to her only as a „good friend“ of Horace.

  • On the DVD commentary track for „The Man Behind the Curtain„, executive producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse describe Horace and Olivia as factoring significantly in the future „game plan“ for Lost.
  • Olivia’s surname was never revealed in the show, but she is listed as Olivia Goodspeed on ABC’s Lost website and was referred to as Horace Goodspeed‘s wife in the pop-ups in „Cabin Fever-Enhanced„.
    • A wedding ring is visible on the ring finger of her left hand during the school scene.
    • What appear to be wedding bands are seen on left ring fingers of Horace and Olivia when they pull over outside of Portland to help the Linus family in „The Man Behind the Curtain„.
    • Lindelof and Cuse refer to Olivia as Horace’s „friend“ on the official Lost podcast from February 5, 2009. Also, the Lost Encyclopedia stated that she and Horace were friends.
    • In the Mysteries of the Universe, Olivia’s DHARMA application form was shown, and her surname did appear on it. However, the video is too blurry for audience to identify the actual words, and all we saw was a blurred surname with 7 letters. So, no matter what the surname is, it won’t be Goodspeed, as it’s a 9 letters word.(Mysteries of the Universe)



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Hector and Jeanette Lewis


Hector was one of the last members of the DHARMA Initiative. For twenty years, Hector had been working at the DHARMA Logistics Warehouse in Guam with his co-worker, Glen, organizing and distributing theperiodic resupply drop. During a normal day at work, while making sure the supply drops were ready on time, Benjamin Linus entered the warehouse and told them both that he was shutting down the station. When asked why, Ben explained that the DHARMA Initiative had been out of operation for years, and that the supply drops were being sent to an island in the middle of the Pacific. Both Glenn and Hector were given wallets filled with money, and the opportunity to each ask one question before they were to leave the warehouse. Hector questioned about the presence of polar bears on the Island, and then Ben showed the two the Hydra Orientation film, after which the three of them left Guam. („The New Man in Charge„)


Jeanette Lewis is the mother of Charlotte Lewis and a former member of the DHARMA Initiative.

When Charlotte grew older, she tried to mention the Island to her mother, but Jeanette replied that it was a figment of her imagination. („This Place Is Death„)

On the Island, Charlotte, while suffering from temporal displacement, noted that she couldn’t remember her mother’s maiden name. („The Lie„)

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Glen and Alvar Hanso


Glen was one of the last members of the DHARMA Initiative. For twenty years, Glen had been working at the DHARMA Logistics Warehouse in Guam with his co-worker, Hector, organizing and distributing theperiodic resupply drop. During a normal day at work, while making sure the supply drops were ready on time, Benjamin Linus entered the warehouse and told them he was shutting down the station. When asked why, Ben explained that the DHARMA Initiative had been out of operation for years, and that the supply drops were being sent to an island in the middle of the Pacific. Both Glen and Hector received wallets filled with money and the opportunity to each ask one question before they were to leave the warehouse. Glen questioned the location to which the drops were sent, but when he asked how can an island move, Ben refused to answer. After Hector asked about the presence of polar bears on the Island, Ben showed the two the Hydra Orientation film, after which the three of them left Guam. („The New Man in Charge„)



Alvar Hanso was the Danish CEO of the Hanso Group and the founder of the Hanso Foundation, and the great grandson of Magnus Hanso.

  • Alvar is of Old English origin, and its meaning is „elf or supernatural army, warrior“. From Aelfhere. Also possibly an Anglicized form of Spanish Alvaro, meaning „all guard“ in Old German.
    • According to both Scandinavian and English Wikipedias, the name Alvar originates from an area of the Swedish island of Öland, and means something like „treeless area on limestone“. „The Great Alvar“ is home to many rare plants, and on UNESCO’s World Heritage List.
      • The name Alvar has an Scandinavian origin coming from the name for Elves in old norse, álfar. Today they’re called elver/alfer (danish), álfar (icelandic), alv (norwegian) and älvor/alfer (swedish). Indeed, the name Alvar is an norse name derived from elves.
  • The Alvars were 12 saints who helped revive devotional Hinduism through their hymns of worship to Vishnu and his avatars.
  • Neither Alvar nor Hanso are known Danish names. And the actor’s accent in the Sri Lanka Video is distinctly Swedish, not Danish.
  • According to Danish statistics only 12 people in Denmark (2008) has the name ‘Alvar’. None has the lastname ‘Hanso’.
  • The sanskrit word for „swan“ is hansa. Hindu spiritual leaders of lofty status are given the title of paramhansa, or „supreme swan.“ The title indicates being at home both in realms of matter and of spirit.
  • Despite Hanso not being immediately recognizable as a Danish name, by substituting the „O“ with the, uniquely Danish „Ø“, changes the name to Hansø. Although, not necessarily an actual name, this actually means „His Island“ in Danish, as the letter „ø“ means island. The Danish „Ø“ is the equivalent of the Swedish „Ö“, which is also the Swedish word for island. Hence, „Hans ö“ would mean „His island“ in Swedish as well.
    • There is a real Hans Island, or Hans Ø, located in the straight that separates Greenland from Ellesmere Island.
      • Approximately 300 kms south of Hans Ø, there is an island called Littleton Island, which was previously named Hans Ø.
  • Dr. Vincent Bolé’s bio on the Retrievers of Truth website notes that he once met Alvar Hanso at a life extension workshop.
  • Hanso could be a nod at the character Han Solo from Star Wars.
  • Alvar could be a variant of the name Halvar (Hallvard) meaning „Rock Guardian“.
  • There was some question as to why Alvar switched professions from wealthy munitions dealer to philanthropist interested in saving the world. Lost executive producer Javier Grillo-Marxuach, who was heavily involved in the Lost Experience, agreed on his blog to a questioner’s speculation that he had had a „Alfred Nobel moment“ (i.e. he decided to change his ways for a more lasting and positive legacy).

Categories: Characters, DHARMA Initiative members | Ознаке: , , , , ,

Lara Chang


Lara Chang is Pierre Chang‘s wife and the mother of Miles Straume. She was a member of the DHARMA Initiative and lived on the Island in the 1970s. In 1977 Lara and her son were evacuated from the Island on the submarine Galaga. Off-Island, Lara came to reside in Encino, California.

  • After the name was first said by Pierre Chang in the Dharma booth video, much fan speculation arose as to what the name really was. Many believed the name to be „Jennifer,“ while others believed that he was saying „Stanislav“ (a reference to the psychologist). However, Francois Chau confirmed in an interview with Lostpedia that the name was indeed „Lara,“ which was further confirmed by the press release for „Some Like It Hoth.“


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Captain Bird and Casey


Captain Bird was a member of the DHARMA Initiative, and captain of the Galaga. („Follow the Leader„)

On their way off the island, Sawyer, Kate, and Juliet persuaded him to surface the sub in order for them to leave it. When he asked what to say toHorace if he called, Sawyer shot the radio. The Captain then provided them with a zodiac raft and surfaced. He then proceeded on course to Ann Arbor. („The Incident, Part 1„)

  • His jumpsuit showed the Submarine logo.
  • His jumpsuit only labeled „Sub Ops“, and without his name.
  • The casting call described him as „Any ethnicity, 40s-50s. Professional, military background, intelligent and able. Concerned about the safety of his ship’s crew.“


Casey was a gemologist of the DHARMA Initiative. She left the Island during the evacuation in 1977. She and Rosie appeared to be friends, as they were always seen together.

  • This character was officially credited as Dharma Welcomer in the ABC Medianet press release for „The Man Behind the Curtain„.
  • Gemology (gemmology outside the United States) is the science, art and profession of identifying and evaluating gemstones. It is considered a geoscience and a branch of mineralogy.
  • A different actress, Ja-ne de Abreu, portrayed Casey in Season 5, as seen in a filming report that confirmed the DHARMA jumpsuit’s nametag of the actress is Casey.


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Ignacio was a slave aboard the Black Rock, a ship owned by Magnus Hanso. In 1867 while chained inside the ship, he met and befriended Ricardo, a fellow slave. When the ship was hit by a storm, Ignacio saw land nearby, an Island, and as the ship came closer, he saw an enormous statue and screamed that it was the Devil. („Ab Aeterno„)

The water dragged the ship inside the Island, far from the shore, but Ignacio, along his fellow slaves, survived the shipwreck. However, Ignacio was killed by Jonas Whitfield, one of the ship’s officers, who feared the slaves would kill the crew if they were released, as the survivors did not have any fresh water and very little supplies. („Ab Aeterno„)

The casting call described him as: „[IGNACIO] Latino, 30s, fluent in Spanish. Poor, religious and street smart. On the wrong side of the law but only because he’s a victim of his circumstances… NICE CO-STAR.“

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Richard Alpert



Richard Alpert (also known as Richardus and by his birth name Ricardo) was a long-time inhabitant of the Island, having arrived in 1867 as a slave on the Black Rock, a slave ship that was washed onto the Island. Soon after he arrived, he asked Jacob to make him ageless, and in exchange for this, held a leadership position with the Others as an advisor and the sole intermediary between Jacob and the people who were brought to the Island, including Ben and Charles Widmore. Richard believed that even though he could not kill himself, others were capable of killing him. He perpetually appeared to be in his late 30s or early 40s, whether on or off the Island. He can also speak fluent Spanish.

Richard had on occasion left and returned to the Island. In the outside world, he monitored John Locke‘s early life, having visited him as a baby and when he was five. He also presented himself as a recruiter for Mittelos Bioscience, helping to bring Juliet to the Island in 2001.

After the crash of Ajira Flight 316 in 2007, Richard led the Man in Black, whom he thought was a resurrected John Locke, to Jacob. This resulted in Jacob being murdered by Benjamin Linus, at the prompting of the Man in Black. After Jacob’s death, Richard tried to kill himself, believing that all of the years that he had spent on the Island were meaningless, as Jacob had promised him he would tell him everything he knew. Through themediumship of Hurley, Richard found out from his long-dead wife, Isabella, that he must prevent the Man in Black from leaving the Island. After spearheading a plan to destroy Ajira Airways Flight 316 with explosives, Richard attempted to negotiate with the Man in Black to buy Widmore and the others time to hide, but was instead violently thrown through the air by the Monster. Richard survived the attack and realized he had begun aging normally. He helped Miles and Frank fix Ajira Flight 316 and left the Island with the two of them, along with Kate, Sawyer and Claire, to live in the outside world.

  • Richard’s final episode count is 29, as of „The End„.
    • In Season 5, though a guest star, Richard appeared in more episodes than both Desmond and Charlotte, who were main characters, and as many episodes as Daniel, who was also a main character.
    • Nestor Carbonell was finally promoted to the main cast for Season 6, after being a guest star in 20 episodes across three seasons.
  • Richard was the thirty-second character to ever have a flashback.
  • Out of the main characters, Richard has met the Man in Black, Daniel, Charlotte, Miles, Locke, Ben, Juliet, Kate, Sayid, Eloise, Sawyer, Sun, Jack, Frank, Ilana, Hurley and Claire.
    • He has not met Ana Lucia, Boone, Charlie, Desmond, Eko, Jin, Libby, Nikki, Paulo, Rose, Bernard, Penny, Christian nor Shannon. He may have met Walt and Michael as they both spent time amongst the Others.
      • He was aware of Charlie, as he was present when Bonnie informed Ben of Charlie’s arrival at The Looking Glass.
      • It is possible he met Pierre Chang due to the fact that he would have communications with the DHARMA Initiative about their truce.
    • To this point, Richard should have some recollection of prior encounters with Daniel, Charlotte, Miles, Locke, Sayid, Kate, Sawyer, and Jack from meeting them in the past. To this point, he has only seen Locke, Sayid, Kate, Jack, Sawyer and Miles in both the past and present.
      • In 1954, one of his subordinates brought him three prisoners — two men (Daniel and Miles) and a British woman (Charlotte), claiming to be part of the US military sent to the Island earlier. A few hours later, John Locke from 2004 walked into their camp and introduced himself to Richard, much to his surprise. („Jughead„)
        • Two years later, Richard visited baby Locke after his birth. He visited young Locke again five years later. Eleven years later, Richard tried to recruit teenage Locke again.(„Cabin Fever„)
      • Twenty years later, Richard met Sawyer from 2004/5 when he entered the DHARMA-controlled Barracks, discontented with the breaking of the truce. („LaFleur„)
        • During their exchange, Jin watched them from Heather’s house, but Richard was unaware of this. Daniel and Miles were watching too, but they had met him previously in 1954 (a week ago for them).
    • Richard briefly met Kate for the first time when she went into the jungle with Sawyer in 1977 for help to heal the young Ben, and again after she and Jack were captured by Widmore whilst lurking in the bushes. („Whatever Happened, Happened„) („Follow the Leader„) He would later meet her again, twenty-seven years later, in „There’s No Place Like Home, Part 1„.
    • Locke mentioned Jack’s name to Richard in „Because You Left„. Richard had already met Jack in 1977.
    • In 2007, after Sun mentioned the names of „Kate“, „Jack“, „Hurley“, and „Jin“, Richard told her that he saw them all die. („Follow the Leader„) It is unknown which, if any, of the other time-displaced survivors he saw die.
  • Richard, Widmore and Eloise are the only Others identified by name who are known to be alive and who belonged to the group before DHARMA arrived.
  • He is the only Other known to be off the Island at the time of the crash.
  • In the Season 3 DVD commentary for „The Man Behind the Curtain„, Richard Alpert is described as someone who is not interested in leading the Others but is very influential in finding and selecting a leader. In the commentary for „The Man Behind the Curtain„, he is described as being similar to a Panchen Lama choosing the next Dalai Lama. He and Ben keep each other in „check“ by having the power to pick/veto each other’s replacement on the Island. Ben’s role would be to pick the next Panchen, should the need arise. This keeps the two in a sort of balanced power relationship. They are allies, yet they have some measure of control over the other should one get out of hand.
  • Season 3 DVD audio commentary confirms that Ben’s line to Richard in „The Man Behind the Curtain„, „It’s a birthday present. You do remember birthdays don’t you?“, was written to be deliberately ambiguous.
  • On the DVD commentary for „There’s No Place Like Home, Parts 2 & 3„, Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse refer to Richard as „the Dick Cheney of the Others“.
  • Except when acting as a recruiter for Mittelos, or when dressed in the „uncivilized“ disguise, Richard has been seen to wear the same style of button-up shirt in all of his appearances.
  • Despite the extremely long time he has spent on the Island, Richard seems to have a good knowledge of the outside world: He could easily use a PowerPoint presentation when recruiting Juliet, as well as a video camera while spying on Rachel, and was not confused at Hurley’s questioning if he was a cyborg or vampire, suggesting a knowledge of popular culture.
  • The „Not in Portland“ script describes him thus: „She is with RICHARD ALPERT. Black. Super CHARMING. Elegantly dressed. Mid-40s.“ However, Hispanic actor Nestor Carbonell ended up getting the part. (Lost: The Official Magazine)
  • In the Canary Islands, where Richard Alpert was born, there is an ancient and extended legend about an island that appears and disappears, an island that can move itself. Its called San Borondón (in Spanish and Portuguese; in English is usually called St. Brendan’s Island) and throughout history have been people who claim to have seen or been on the island.
  • It is suggested that Richard was born on the Canary Islands. For the episode „Ab Aeterno„, Carbonell researched the local accent and determined that it was similar to his own Cuban accent, so every time Richard speaks Spanish he does it with a slight Caribbean accent. (Official Lost Podcast/March 25, 2010)
  • In an Easter egg on the Season 5 Blu-ray set, an outline of „The Incident, Part 2“ is seen on a white board. It contains a different description of the episode’s conclusion: after Julietdetonates the Jughead, the people at the Swan site were enveloped by white light. The episode would then cut to Richard watching the explosion from a distance. This unused scene explains why Richard believes everyone who was present at the site in 1977 was dead.
  • Richard is one of 22 main characters to have their names appear in a soundtrack title.
  • Chronologically, Richard is the first main character to come to the Island, not counting the Man in Black in his original form.
  • Richard is, along with Eloise Hawking and Pierre Chang, one of the only 3 main characters to never appear without speaking lines.



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Jonas Whitfield and Magnus Hanso


Jonas Whitfield was an officer on the Black Rock, a ship owned by Magnus Hanso. In 1867, the Black Rock docked in Tenerife, Canary Islands, where Jonas bought a number of men to serve as slaves, among them Ignacio and Ricardo. After the Black Rock crashed on the Island, Jonas killed all of the prisoners, except for Ricardo. Jonas was killed by the Man in Black in black smoke form alongside the entire ship’s crew. The casting call describes him as „[JONAS WHITFIELD] Early to mid 30s; English; must speak with authentic accent. He’s crisp and his bearing is of a British military officer. Athletic and agile, he’s worked hard to rise up the corporate ladder and make something of himself. He believes in survival of the fittest…GUEST STAR.


Magnus Hanso was a 19th-century sea captain of the Black Rock. He died when the ship was thrown on the Island by a huge tidal wave.

With Magnus Hanso’s sale of the New World Sea Traders, an era in British shipping drew to a close. Whether history will judge him harshly for his continued role in the slave trade post-abolition remains to be seen. However, with Hanso’s unquestionable dedication to his fleet, it is certain that this ship’s captain turned entrepreneur left a substantial mark on the international shipping trade. For, although he could have rested on his laurels and steered the company from the quiet and comfort of his London manor, Hanso’s passion for the sea inspired him to continue as captain of several voyages each year.

It is an interesting footnote, and, perhaps, a testament to Hanso’s lasting influence that those slips from which the New World Sea Traders operated at Portsmouth, numbering 18 through 27, continued to be known during the following era of the East Ocean Trade Group as the „New World Docks,“ a point… (excerpt ends)


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Lost writer looks back on show’s creation; Responds to theories

Former Lost writer and producer Javier Grillo-Marxuachhas written a highly informative essay looking back on the conception of the show and what it was like to be in the writers’ room for the first two seasons. He also has a lot to say about the question of whether the show’s creators were „making it up as they went along,“ noting the answer is a complicated one, as is often the case for TV. With Lost, many notable elements fans would come to know as the series progressed were conceived very early on, even as the nature of doing an ongoing TV show also led to new elements being added all the time.

“The idea that there is a simple truth about the creation of Lost also begs to additional questions,” Grillo-Marxuach says in the lengthy and very detailed post on his website. “Did we ever know what the island was? And was it purgatory?”


“There was definitely a sort of ‘operational theory’ for what the island would be,” he writes, adding that there were strong differences of opinions on the concepts for the island. However, Grillo-Marxuach backs up Lost executive producer Carlton Cuse’s statement from the reunion last year that the characters were not in purgatory the whole time, despite some reading the ending as saying that.

Further into the post, Grillo-Marxuach addresses the world-building for Lost as production began on the pilot episode. The writers built a world, an ensemble of “flawed but interesting characters,” and placed them in situations where the characters would “bond and solve problems.” After those concepts were in place, the writers created pasts for the characters to provide a comparison of who they were before and after reaching the island.

Grillo-Marxuach goes into great detail about Jack’s character and the original plan to kill him off in the show’s pilot episode – and how the network wouldn’t allow it. As has been mentioned before, co-creator J.J. Abrams wanted Michael Keaton to play Jack, pretending to be a series regular (including doing promotion for the show), only to be killed in the show’s first hour.

As Grillo-Marxuach notes, the network was also always scared of the show being too overtly sci-fi and serialized, which lead to the writers and producers initially doing all they could to disguise the sci-fi elements – even from their own corporate bosses. Walt, for instance, was a character who caused a lot of disagreements between the writers and the network and studio, who didn’t want him to have psychic powers, even while the Lost writers felt he should.

There’s also a lot of information on the process of how they would add new elements to the show and how Abrams’ famous „mystery box“ approach interweaved with Damon Lindelof wanting to hold off on introducing any new question until they had at least some idea what the answer to it could be. One notable example of this is the Hatch, which Abrams came up with the idea for and wanted to put into the series immediately. Instead, they waited until halfway through the first season because Lindelof (who was initially the sole showrunner, before Carlton Cuse then partnered with him) wanted to wait until they had some angles on what exactly was inside that hatch.

Grillo-Marxuach, who was first hired as part of a „think tank“ for the show while Abrams and Lindelof were working on the pilot, writes, “We created an entire 747s worth of ideas, notions, fragments, complications, and concepts that would yield enough narrative fiction to last as long as our corporate overlords would demand to feed their need for profit and prestige. And then we made it all up as we went.”

Last year was a 10-year Lost reunion, in which Cuse, Lindelof and the cast looked back on the show. IGN also ranked all 133 episodes, spanning six seasons of the popular and polarizing TV show.

The complete essay by Grillo-Marxuach (who also created The Middleman and just joined the writing staff of The 100 for Season 3) is an engrossing read for both fans and critics of Lost, with a lot of new info on the show’s conception and the roles J.J. Abrams, Damon Lindelof, Carlton Cuse and many others — including Paul Dini, David Fury and Grillo-Marxuach himself — played in those early days.


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Robert was a member of Danielle Rousseau‘s science expedition that became shipwrecked on the Island. Robert was Alex‘s biological father and was Danielle’s lover.

  • While lists him as Robert Rousseau, it was never confirmed on the show that his last name was Rousseau, or that he and Danielle were even married.
  • In the official ABC press release for „The Little Prince„, Robert was credited as Frenchman #1.
  • The deliberately misleading casting call described his character as Leon. Mid to late 20s, Caucasian. Reserved, handsome and talented. A romantic at heart, he finds himself overwhelmed in a stressful job and at odds with a realist. Must speak french. Guest Star.
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Danielle Rousseau


Danielle Rousseau was a woman of French origin who was shipwrecked on the Island with an expedition in 1988, seven months pregnant with her daughter, Alex. It was during this time that her team rescued Jin, who, as a result of the Island’s move, was traveling through time. Shortly after Danielle gave birth, her daughter was taken away by Benjamin Linus, an Other. Rousseau lived alone for sixteen years, and over time became slightly disturbed due to her isolation. Following the crashing of their plane, Rousseau met and eventually joined the Flight 815 survivors, and finally reunited with her daughter. On 27 December 2004, while she, Alex, and Karl were traveling to the Temple, they were ambushed by Keamy and hismercenary team. Both Rousseau and Karl were shot dead. Her body was discovered by Miles as he, Sawyer, and Claire were going back to thebeach.

In the afterlife, Danielle shared a happy, normal life with Alexandra, away from the Island. She eventually met Ben, who was now Alex’s history teacher, and moved him by saying he was the closest thing to a father Alex ever had.

  • Danielle’s total episode count is 26.
    • Rousseau is the character with most appearances who never got a star billing.
  • Rousseau has met all of the main characters, except for Boone, Libby, Eko, Daniel, Richard, Ilana, Lapidus, Pierre, Christian, Penny and Eloise.
    • Boone heard Danielle’s voice in her transmission.
    • Richard is presumably aware of Danielle, since Ben mentioned in Dead Is Dead about „the crazy woman“ and Richard was present.
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau is the name of a French philosopher.
  • Henri Rousseau was a French painter whose paintings depicted jungle scenes.
  • Daniel LaRusso is the name of Ralph Macchio’s character in The Karate Kid.
  • In French dub, Rousseau is said to be German, which creates some continuity errors, notably with the songLa Mer“ and her name.
  • Both of the actresses who portray Rousseau have the initials M.F. In fact, both actresses’ first names start with the letter „M“, and end with the letter „A“, while both of their last names have „F“ as the first letter, „R“ as the third letter, „A“ as the fifth letter, and „N“ as the sixth letter.
  • Among the names written in the lighthouse Rousseau is number 20. It remains unclear if this refers to this Rousseau or another.
  • She, Carmen Reyes and Nadia have appeared in every season without ever being a main character.
  • Her story causes some potential inconsistencies with the estimated date of the Purge. Assuming the Purge was in 1992, Danielle would have coexisted on the island with the DHARMA Initiative for about four years. It would also have been unexplained how she survived the toxic gas attack that struck the island when The Others destroyed DHARMA, or how she could have tampered with the DHARMA radio tower while they where still using it for the transmission of the numbers. But, assuming the Purge was in 1987 (or some other point before 1988), the timeline provided by Danielle is more believable.
  • Witnesses of death: Alex, Several Soldiers
  • Last words: „He’s gone! Listen to me… I need you to take my hand, on the count of 3, we’re going to run. Can you do that with me? I love you… I love you very much, Alexandra. Are you ready? One… Two… THREE!“



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Brennan, Lacombe and Nadine



Brennan was a member of Danielle Rousseau‘s science expedition, which was marooned on the Island in 1988.

  • In the official ABC press release for „The Little Prince„, Brennan was credited as Frenchman #3.
  • „Brennan“ is also the last name of Kate‘s childhood sweetheart, Tom.
  • It is interesting to note that the actor who portrays Brennan, Bruno Bruni, shares the first two letters of both his forename and surname with the character he portrays.


Lacombe was one of the members of the science expedition that arrived to the Island on a life raft in a storm in 1988. He was depicted unloading equipment from the life raft, including Montand‘s dripping violin case. („The Little Prince„)


Nadine was one of the members of the science expedition that arrived on the Island on a life raft in a storm in 1988.

  • Although Nadine in both episodes’ press releases, there was a promotional still released by ABC showing all six science team expedition members and Jin here, which credited the four known team members and Daniel Dae Kim, as well as one „Alexandra Tobas“ (sic). Since the two remaining team members are a man and a woman, Tabas is presumed to be the actress depicting the woman.

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Bram was a member of a team that worked for or with Jacob. He abducted Miles shortly before the departure of the Kahana, and offered him an alternative to joining Widmore‘s team. He directly opposed Widmore and had interests in the Island, claiming that he was on „the winning side“ of the war. He was also a passenger aboard Ajira Airways Flight 316 and a survivor of the crash on the Hydra Island.

Bram, along with Ilana Verdansky, indicated that he was on the island to protect Jacob. However, upon discovering Jacob had been killed, he attacked the man claiming to be John Locke, who then revealed himself to be the Monster and killed Bram.

  • Bram’s name did not appear in dialogue in „Namaste“ and the final broadcast edit of the episode did not include any speaking lines for him. Nonetheless, he was credited as „Bram“.
  • The casting call described him as „Brian, any ethnicity, late 20s to mid-30s. Smart, charismatic and clever with the ability to be physically imposing. He is wise beyond his years. Capable of genuine charm, he is also the first person you’d want to help you out of any serious jams.“
  • Bram is one of the eight recurring characters whose last names we don’t know, the other seven being Omar, Phil, Zack, Emma, Jason, Neil and Zoe.
  • Abraham „Bram“ Stoker is the author of Dracula, one of the most famous „undead“ characters in literature. Stoker also wrote The Lair of the White Worm and The Jewel of Seven Stars. The first is about an ancient serpent living under an English manor, leading its inhabitants to the occult. The latter is about an attempt to reanimate an Egyptian mummy.
    • Bram is impaled by wood, which is a method for killing a vampire.
  • Of the main characters; Bram has met Ilana, Richard, Frank, Ben, Sun and Miles. He has also met the Man in Black manifested as Locke and has seen his body (and carried it around in a crate for several days).
    • Bram was on the same flight as Jack, Kate, Hurley and Sayid; however, he never spoke to them.


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Caesar was a passenger aboard Ajira Airways Flight 316 from Los Angeles to Guam when it crashed on the Hydra Island. Caesar assumed a semi-leadership role among the small pocket of survivors there, and took an interest into exploring the DHARMA Initiative station on the island. He appeared to be very secretive, as evidenced by his keeping his discovery of a shotgun to himself. Benjamin Linus shot Caesar with the same shotgun, when Caesar would not let „Locke“ take a boat to the Main Island.

  • Out of all the main characters, Caesar only met Jack, Ben, Hurley, Ilana, Lapidus, and the Man in Black, who was posing as Locke.
    • He was on the same flight as Sayid and Kate but was not shown speaking to any of them.
    • He most likely met Sun, considering they were both on Hydra Island in 2007 after the crash.
  • Although Caesar’s name was not explicitly stated in „316„, it was revealed in the credits as well as the ABC press release. He later was called „Caesar“ by Ilana in „The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham„.
  • Caesar, along with Ilana, were already mentioned in the fifth Dharma Special Access e-mail. He and Ilana were also hinted at in other videos and mentioned heavily before the fifth seasonpremiere. Despite all this hype, Caesar abruptly died midway into his fourth episode.
  • Caesar became the de facto leader of the Ajira 316 survivors, however he was quickly killed and Ilana took control of the group. This is similar to the fate planned for Jack and Kate in „Pilot, Part 1“ before the writers changed their minds.
  • In the casting call Caesar was described as „a dangerous, physical, and extremely intelligent male between the ages of 35 and 45. Although his intentions are unclear, this much is certain: he’s as skillful at charming people as he is at killing them. He also has a dark past…“
  • Was originally intended to be a series regular for Season 5 before being toned down to a guest star. Subsequently, he was also going to become a regular for Season 6, where he was supposed to have a big role (which was taken over partly by Zoe) and also have a large part in the series finale, but he declined because of other commitments.
  • Caesar’s first appearance was originally meant to be in „Because You Left“ but the footage was moved to the opening sequence of „The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham„.


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Rupa Krishnavani


Rupa Krishnavani was an Ajira Airways flight attendant aboard Ajira Airways Flight 316. She checked the boarding pass and tickets of the passengers as they boarded the plane. A few minutes later, she handed Jack Locke‘s suicide note saying that security had found it while processing the coffin prior to it being put in the cargo hold. Later, Jack got up and walked toward Rupa, requesting to speak to the captain after having heard his announcement. She instructed him to take a seat as she went to summon Frank. When the plane was engulfed in the flash of light and under heavy turbulence, she was seen being thrown about the cabin. („316„)  („Namaste„) It is presumed she died in the crash, as she is the only person from the plane not seen on the beach. If she survived the crash, it is likely she was killed alongside the rest of the Ajira 316 survivors. („Recon„)

  • In the casting call Rupa was described as „20s, Indian (South Asian), pretty. Sweet, fun-loving professional young woman who can be tougher than she appears. Can deal with difficult customers with charm and ease…“ .
  • Rupa’s clothing may be a pun to the term „redshirt“ as she was wearing a red stewardess uniform at the time of her presumed death.
  • According to her name tag, her name was supposed to be Ruga Magge, and she was possibly named after the writers’ room assistant Rupa Magge.


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Ilana Verdansky


Ilana Verdansky was a survivor of Ajira Flight 316. She claimed to Sayid Jarrah to be a bounty hunter hired by the family of Peter Avellino to capture Sayid and escort him to Guam. In reality she was summoned to the Island to protect the remaining candidates by Jacob, with whom she had a previous relationship. Once Ilana had captured Sayid in Los Angeles, she forced him aboard Flight 316, where they were accompanied by most of the Oceanic Six. During the flight, the plane encountered turbulence and crash-landed on Hydra Island. There, she assumed leadership of a group of people, including Bram, a fellow server of Jacob, Sun, Frank, Ben, and several survivors of the Flight 316 crash. She led this group to the remains of the statue of Taweret, where she revealed to Richard Alpert and the Others that the man with them, John Locke, was not who they thought he was. During her time on the the Island, Ilana led some of the candidates to safety. Upon encountering Richard again, she explained to him that Jacob had identified him as the person who would know what to do. Following Richard’s instructions, Ilana prepared a mission to destroy the Ajira plane. However, in her haste she mishandled some dynamite from the Black Rock, which detonated, killing her instantly.

  • Ilana is one of 13 main characters to not have their name appear in a soundtrack title.
  • Ilana’s episode count is 16 (including the appearance of her flash-sideways counterpart in „The Last Recruit„).
  • Ilana died in the original timeline in „Everybody Loves Hugo„, her fifteenth appearance.
  • Ilana was the fourteenth main character to die, and the fourth main character who was not a passenger of Flight 815 to die (after Charlotte, Daniel and Juliet).
  • The character’s first name „Ilana“ was revealed in the ABC press release for „316„, her first appearance, but not in the episode itself. Caesar addressed her by her name in „The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham„.
  • Ilana was the last main character to be introduced into the series (altough the Man in Black’s presence in earlier episodes did not become clear until after Ilana’s introduction).
  • Along with Caesar, Ilana was mentioned in the fifth Dharma Special Access e-mail as a new cast member.
  • Out of the main characters, Ilana met Sayid, Sun, Frank, Ben, Richard, Jack, Miles, The Man in Black, Hurley, Desmond and Claire.
    • She was on the same plane as Kate. However, she never spoke to her.
    • She was aware of Sun’s husband, Jin, as well as Sawyer, Libby and Locke. It is also likely she is aware of Charlie and Boone, because the Oceanic 6 mentioned them in their lie.
    • Ilana first met Desmond and Claire in the flash-sideways timeline.
  • After appearing in seven Season 5 episodes as a guest star, Zuleikha Robinson was promoted to the main cast for Season 6.
  • Ilana is one of only four members of the main cast who have not been given their own centric episode. The others being Charlotte, Frank, and Libby.
    • If you include the characters promoted to main cast in the finale, then Ilana is one of eight members of the main cast, as Penny, Eloise, Pierre and Christian did not have their own centric episodes either.
  • Ilana’s casting call was the very first for Season 5, as she was originally meant to appear in „Because You Left„. She was described as „Ilanna, a European female in her late 20s to early 30s who possesses great intelligence, but who is also dangerous. She was alluring and apparently accustomed to getting her own way.“
  • Ilana, after the Man in Black, was the second character to be portrayed as recognizing Jacob when first encountering him in the series.
  • In her character bio on the ABC website, Ilana is described as having recovered from being „badly burned“ while she was in the Russian hospital. This fact was also revealed in theenhanced version of the fifth season finale.
    • The ABC episode recap for „Ab Aeterno“ says that she was burned during training.
    • Although, the episode recap also says, „Jacob reaches over and touches her face, helping the burns heal and Ilana get better“, Jacob is not seen to touch Ilana in the episode.
  • Ilana means „tree“ in Hebrew. In Kabbalah, (Jewish mysticism), the numeric value of Ilana (96) equals the „throne of God.“ Two variations of the name are „Elana“ and „Ilanit.“
  • Ilana was the 31st character to have a flashback.
    • Ilana was the seventh guest character to have a flashback and the third to have a flashback as a guest star before becoming a regular. The other two are Desmond and Frank.
  • Ilana is the third main character, after Libby and Charlotte, to die without having had a centric episode. Her only flashbacks were in the Jacob-centric episode „The Incident, Parts 1 & 2“ and in the Richard-centric episode „Ab Aeterno„.
  • According to Zuleikha Robinson in an interview with NY Magazine, Ilana’s badge in „316“ and „He’s Our You“ bore the false name „Mary.“
  • Her death is reminiscent of Leslie Arzt‘s death. („Exodus, Part 2„) Jack and Hurley were present for both explosions.
  • Ilana wore the same clothes for an entire season, then changed her clothes shortly before her death. The same happened to Mr. Eko.
    • Ilana consistently wore a red shirt shortly before her death. (See redshirt)
  • Her last name may be a reference to the famous Russian scientist and philosopher Vladimir Vernadsky, most famous for developing the concept of the biosphere and the noosphere. This would be keeping with the Lost tradition of naming characters after philosophers and scientists.
  • Ilana’s abrupt death and the lack of answers regarding her past despite being promoted to the regular cast confused some fans. When asked about it, Carlton Cuse has said they had „greater plans“ for Ilana but decided to spend more time with established characters instead. In the same interview, he also said that Ilana led a „hard and tragic life“ that he could not reveal any details of yet. Cuse initially likened the character to Heath Ledger’s Joker from The Dark Knight, stating that: „There was something very unsettling about the way the Joker kept telling different stories about his background — something very similar to what we had planned for Ilana.“
  • Zuleikha Robinson confirmed that Ilana had originally been intended to be Jacob’s biological daughter. However, this was later dropped as it was deemed that there was not enough screen time to develop the storyline further in the final season.
    • Ilana also told Ben Linus that „Jacob was the closest thing [she] ever had to a father. („Dr. Linus„)
  • Ilana is not featured on the season 6 poster, despite her main character status in the final season. She is the only main character (not including those upgraded in „The End„) to not appear on a season poster, even as recurring characters Rose and Bernard (with Vincent) appear.
  • Of the twenty-eight credited main characters in „The End„, Ilana was the only one who did not appear.
  • Out of all the main characters, only Ilana and Frank appeared in no scenes before the crash of Oceanic Flight 815.
  • Last words: „Hugo, I’m looking out for your best interests! All of you! Nothing is more important than this! That thing is evil. And God help us if it ever leaves this island, you’ve got to be-„
  • People who witnessed her death: Ben, Sun, Hurley, Richard, Jack, Frank, Miles


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Frank Lapidus


Frank J. Lapidus is an aircraft pilot who was originally scheduled to pilot Oceanic Airlines Flight 815, but overslept and missed the flight, causingSeth Norris to fly it instead. Before joining the freighter team, Frank was among the few who believed that the wreckage of Flight 815 that was found at the bottom of the Sunda Trench was staged. Matthew Abaddon described him as a „pretty good pilot“, but Frank may be an alcoholic with some past issues according to Naomi. Frank was hired by Charles Widmore to be the lead chopper pilot on the freighter Kahana in order to ferry thescience team to the Island. After the death of Naomi, however, he begrudgingly transported the entire mercenary team as well. When Frank learned that Oceanic Flight 815 passengers were alive on the Island, he agreed to help them escape, and succeeded after the Others’ ambush of the mercenary team. When the freighter sunk and the island disappeared, the helicopter eventually ran out of fuel and crashed into the ocean, but Frank found rescue along with Desmond and the Oceanic Six. After being rescued, Frank participated in the cover up story of the Oceanic Six.

Three years later, in 2007, he began piloting for Ajira Airways. Frank piloted Ajira Flight 316, the plane that returned the Oceanic Six to the Island. Frank safely landed the Ajira Plane on the Runway at the Hydra Island despite some system failures. After the rough landing, Frank ventured on withSun in search of Jin and her friends, but they eventually parted ways. As soon as he returned to the Hydra Island in hopes of fixing the plane, he encountered Ilana’s group and got knocked out after failing to answer their question („What lies in the shadow of the Statue?“). While unconscious, he was taken back to the Main Island. Bram questioned Ilana about Frank’s status as a „candidate“ for the replacement of Jacob as guardian of the Island. Frank accompanied Ilana’s group to the Statue where he watched Ilana show Richard the corpse of John Locke. After Jacob was murdered, he followed Ilana to the Temple and arrived there just in time to witness the Temple Massacre. Frank resided at the beach camp along with Sun,Ilana, Miles, Ben, Richard, Hurley and Jack until Ilana’s death, at which point the group split in two, with Frank staying with those who chose to reason with the Man in Black in order to keep him from leaving the Island. He left in the submarine with Jack’s group, and was on board when it exploded and sank. Frank survived and was saved by Miles and Richard, who helped him repair the plane. The three of them left the Island along with Kate, Sawyer, and Claire.

  • Frank’s episode count, as of „The End„, is 29.
  • Frank was the twenty-eighth character to ever have a flashback.
    • He was the fourth minor character to have a flashback. He was the second of three guest stars to have a flashback before becoming a regular, along with Desmond and Ilana, not counting Rose, Bernard, Penny, Eloise or Pierre, all of whom were credited as main cast solely for the finale.
  • Frank is one of the six characters to have their first flashback in the episode they first appeared in. The other five are Charlotte, Miles, Jacob, Juliet, and Jack.
  • Frank has met all of the main characters except Pierre, Eloise, Christian, Bernard, Rose, Locke, Walt, Charlie, Shannon, Boone, Ana Lucia, Libby, Eko, Nikki and Paulo, all of whom were already dead or off the Island when Frank first arrived, save Locke.
  • Frank is one of the two living members of the Kahana crew, the other being Miles.
  • Frank has worn his pilot outfit from „316“ all the way to „The End„, the whole time during his second visit to the Island.
  • Frank is one of only three Season 6 main characters whose fate has not been revealed in the flash-sideways world. Richard Alpert and The Man in Black are the other two, though since Richard would have died a natural death by 2004, and without the Island MiB would have either not existed or also died a natural death, Frank is the only character who hypothetically could have been a part of the afterlife.
  • Frank is one of only eight members of the main cast who have not been given their own centric episode, the others being Charlotte, Ilana, Libby, Penny, Pierre, Christian and Eloise.
    • Not counting Penny, Eloise and possibly Pierre (whose status is unknown), who were only listed as main cast for the finale, Frank is the only main character to survive to the end of the series without having had a centric episode.
  • Frank is a New York Yankees fan, whereas Jack is a fan of the Boston Red Sox.
  • Frank’s cosmetic injuries, minor dizziness, and situation mirror his counterpart pilot Seth Norris‘ initial condition upon arriving the Island.
  • Both Frank and Rose are from the Bronx.
  • Jeff Fahey was promoted to the main cast for Season 6 after appearing as a guest star in sixteen episodes over the course of two seasons.
    • Despite being a guest star in Season 4, he appeared in more episodes than Miles, Desmond and Michael. He appeared in as many as Charlotte, Sun, Jin and Claire, who were all main characters. His guest star status was likely due to his decreased role in Season 5 in which he only appeared in six episodes, less than any main character, save Charlotte (Rebecca Mader) who only appeared in five.
  • Frank is the only living survivor of Flight 316 who has never been part of the DHARMA Initiative.
  • Frank is one of only two characters to escape the island twice, the other being Kate (whom he piloted off on both occasions).
  • Frank has spent the least amount of time on the Island out of all the main characters who have visited the Island and are still alive at the end of the series. In December 2004, he piloted the helicopter from the Kahana to the Island three times and spent no more than a day on the Island each time, then in 2007, he landed Ajira Flight 316 on the Island and piloted the same plane off the Island 14 days later, a total of 17 days.
  • Frank is one of 13 main characters to not have their name appear in a soundtrack title.





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Benjamin Linus


Benjamin Linus was a long-time resident of the Island and a leader of the Others. Though often a calm, eloquent antagonist, Ben’s insecurity and jealousies sometimes brought out a petulant, reckless side. He remained, however, an expert manipulator, a liar and a murderer, and he served as a main villain for much of the series.

Ben came to the Island a polite, quiet eight-year-old, the son of an abusive DHARMA Initiative janitor. He met the island’s natives, who healed him after a prisoner he freed shot him, and he remained in touch as he grew and worked for the DHARMA Initiative. Ben eventually helped these „Hostiles“ kill the Initiative members, and he later ousted and replaced their leader, Charles Widmore. As their new leader, Ben tried to solve the Island’s pregnancy issues, and he raised an adoptive daughter, Alex, as one of the Others.

In 2004, Ben developed cancer, but the crash brought a surgeon, Jack Shephard. After entering the survivors‘ camp as a prisoner under the nameHenry Gale, Ben kidnapped Jack and manipulated him into operating. He also met John Locke, who threatened his leadership, and Ben’s older rival Widmore meanwhile sent a ship to the Island to capture him. A mercenary from the boat killed Alex thanks to Ben’s negligence. To protect the Island, Ben moved it, letting several survivors escape and leaving Locke as his successor.

He spent the next few years on the mainland, and though he failed to kill Widmore’s daughter as promised, he eliminated much of the man’s organization using Sayid, a survivor who escaped. He murdered Locke, who’d come to retrieve those who’d left, but he continued Locke’s mission and returned the survivors to the Island. There, the monster judged him for Alex’s death and took the form of Locke, convincing Ben to kill Jacob, the Island’s protector. Confidence and power lost, Ben became the survivors’ apologetic ally. Hurley became the new protector, and Ben served for years as his advisor.

After death, Ben was a teacher of his previous ‘daughter’, Alex. As his acquaintances from the Island moved on, he chose to stay behind to work out his issues.

  • Ben was the sixth character to ever have a flash-forward and the first who was not onboard Oceanic Flight 815 to get one.
  • Ben was the twenty-fourth character to ever have a flashback.
  • Ben is one of 22 main characters to have their names appear in a soundtrack title.
  • Ben’s episode count is 59 as of „The End„, making him the character with the most appearances who was not on Flight 815.
    • Ben appeared in eight episodes as a guest star before being promoted to main cast.
    • One of his appearances was made solely by his flash sideways counterpart. („The Last Recruit„)
  • Ben is one of the seven characters to have a flashback, a flash-forward and a flash sideways episode centered around them. The other six are Hurley, Sayid, Kate, Sawyer, Sun and Jack.
  • Ben is one of only two characters to be members of four out of the five major factions on the Island, the DHARMA Initiative, the survivors, the Ajira survivors, the Others and the Kahanacrew. Ben wasn’t part of the Kahana crew, though was part of the four others. Miles is the other character to be a part of four major Island factions.
  • Ben has never met Boone, Shannon, Pierre, Nikki, Paulo, Daniel and Christian. However, he has met the rest of the main characters.
  • Ben has been seen to visit six of the ten known DHARMA Initiative stations: the Swan, the Pearl, the Hydra, the Flame, the Orchid and the Lamp Post. However as he was leader of the island for a significant amount of time and had connections with all the other stations it can be strongly assumed he has visited at least most of the others if not them all.
  • When Ben asks Jack to pick up Locke’s body, he tells him it’s at the corner of Grant and Hayes. Named after president’s Ulysses S. Grant and Rutherford B. Hayes, „Ulysses“ is the novel Ben read aboard Ajira 316, and Rutherford is the surname of 815 survivor Shannon Rutherford.
  • Ben commonly uses a 16telescopic baton as a weapon.
  • In a way, Ben is the cause of both his parents’ deaths.
    • Emily died giving birth, and Roger died when Ben gassed him.
    • Both of Ben’s parents died on his birthday.
  • He says that he hates needles, although he may have said this as part of conning Sawyer. („Every Man for Himself„)
  • Juliet told Ben about his tumor the day before the crash. („One of Us„) However, 72 days after the crash, Ben told Jack, „Two days after I found out I had a fatal tumor on my spine, a spinal surgeon fell out of the sky.“ („The Cost of Living„)
  • Ben’s tumor was on his L4 vertebra.[1]
  • On Ben’s passport, part of the serial number reads „HNSO“, which is similar to Hanso.
  • When given a copy of The Brothers Karamazov by Locke, Ben asked, „You don’t have any Stephen King?“ („Maternity Leave„) Three months earlier, Ben had displayed a dislike of one of King’s novels, Carrie, to Juliet. („One of Us„)
    • The story of The Brothers Karamazov revolves around four brothers who murder their father.
  • In „Through the Looking Glass„, Ben’s eyes change from a brilliant green when he is talking to Richard Alpert, to a greyish-blue when he is talking to Jack.
  • His use of the alias „Henry“ in Season 2 earned him the nickname „Benry“ among some fans.
  • The vehicles that were used in the opening scene of „The Man Behind the Curtain“ could inform the year of Ben’s birth:
    • An anonymous source associated with the production claims that he was ordered to get cars 1963 or older for the Portland scene.[2]
    • The green car appears to be a Dodge Dart two-door Hardtop ’65 (the rear lens, front hood, and grille are different from ’63 and ’64 models)
  • In the Season 3 DVD commentary for „The Man Behind the Curtain„, it is explained that Ben, as leader, and Richard Alpert, as someone who nominates the leader, keep each other in „check“ by having the power to pick each other’s replacement on the Island.
    • Also in the commentary, the producers describe the battle between Ben and Locke as being a multi-chapter showdown for the title of „Master of the Island“.
  • At the barracks, Ben’s study prominently features preserved moths in framed displays. At least one of these was taken with him to the ruins.
  • Both Ben and Locke were born prematurely and named by their mothers, who had the same name, Emily.
  • The piece of music Ben is playing in „The Shape of Things to Come“ is „Prelude in C-Sharp minor“ by Sergei Rachmaninoff.
  • Ben shows many signs of being a sociopath: excessive lying, manipulation, kills with no guilt or mercy, has few emotional attachments to anyone, claims Juliet is his „property.“
  • Ben has been assaulted more than any other character in the show. He has a tendency to be brutally beaten by someone for various reasons, such as the torture received from Sayid in „One of Them‘, the passionate pummeling unleashed by Jack in „, Through the Looking Glass, Part 2, the angry assault from Sawyer in „Confirmed Dead“ , and the beating dished out byDesmond in „Dead Is Dead„.
  • Ben has stabbed someone to death in a finale twice. (Martin Keamy and Jacob)
  • Ben appears to believe in God. He took the fact that a spinal surgeon felt out of the sky, shortly after he found out he had a fatal tumor on his spine, as proof that God exists.
    • Though he could, as always, be lying.
  • Ben is a compulsive liar, but any time he gives „his word“, he holds to it, no matter what.
  • Ben declares that if the Island is going to sink, he will go down with it. This is a traditional attribute of a sea captain, to go down with his ship, and refers to the role in which Ben sees himself as leader of the Island.
    • Also Ben has no family or friends that we know back in the real world. The island is all he has and he sees no point in returning to the real world.




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Goodwin Stanhope


Goodwin Stanhope was an Other who was sent by Ben to infiltrate the tail section survivors. He was killed by Ana Lucia after she found out his true identity. At the time of his death, he was unhappily married to Harper Stanhope and was having an affair with Juliet Burke.

  • Goodwin’s last name, Stanhope, has not been referred to on-screen. In an Enhanced episode, captioning indicated his surname was the same as Harper Stanhope, his spouse. („The Other Woman-Enhanced„)
  • Goodwin’s appearances are chronologically backwards. He first appears as a corpse, then in a flashback that depicts his death, and finally in flashbacks depicting the events leading up to his death.
  • Out of all the main characters, Goodwin has only met Ben, Juliet, Eko, Ana Lucia, Bernard and Libby.
    • Jin has seen Goodwin’s body.
    • It’s possible that he met Richard too, since he is one of the Others.
  • Goodwin is the only recurring Other to never have dialogue in present-timeline events in the Lost saga.
  • The name Goodwin finds its origins in Anglo-Saxon Britain, where, in Old English, „Godwine“ means „good friend“.  Goodwin may also be a play on the words „Good One“.
  • In 1969, a woman named Mrs. Goodwin called famous disc jockey Wolfman Jack’s radio program.  As he had her on the line, Wolfman Jack jokingly accused Mrs. Goodwin of making strange noises. She blamed the television, saying it was the program „The New People„, a short-lived ABC series about a group of young people who crash-land on a mysterious, uninhabited Pacific island.
  • Richard Goodwin was a speechwriter for U.S. Presidents Kennedy & Johnson. Goodwin is attributed with coining the phrase „The Great Society“, which was widely introduced in a speech by Johnson at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor in 1964.
  • Goodwin appeared in both episodes containing the word „Other“, „The Other 48 Days“ and „The Other Woman„. He is the only Other to do so, and one of only three characters overall to so, the other two being Jin and Sawyer.



Categories: Characters, The Tailies | Ознаке: , , , , , , , ,



Eko, also known as Mr. Eko (referred to as Father Tunde, although this may be an alias), was a notorious warlord and drug smuggler in Nigeria and was one of the tail section survivors of Oceanic Flight 815.

Before the crash, Eko was attempting to smuggle drugs out of Nigeria by pretending to be a priest. His brother Yemi, a real priest, tried to stop him, but was accidentally killed and thrown onto the drug smuggling plane. Eko was left behind, where he decided to take his brother’s place in the church, protecting it and the village from drug lords.

After the crash, Eko and the rest of the tail section survivors were attacked by the Others, where he fought his kidnappers and killed two of them. After their deaths, he took a vow of silence for 40 days and started carrying a stick with him, into which he carved Bible verses. When Michael, Jin, and Sawyer washed up on shore, Eko kept them prisoner until they decided their story was true, after which they all trekked across the Island to the middle section survivors camp. He later found the Beechcraft his brother’s body had been on and burned the plane in respect. After he and Lockefound the Pearl station, Eko was convinced it was important to push the button in the Swan. When Locke lost his faith and kept Eko from pushing the button, it caused the implosion of the Swan. Eko survived the incident, but was dragged unconscious into a cave by a polar bear and was later saved by Locke. While recovering from his injuries, he was visited by a vision of Yemi, who told him to confess his sins. Eko claimed he had not sinned, but done what he had to do, after which he was confronted and killed by the Monster. Three years later, Hurley saw a vision of Eko and played chess with him at the Santa Rosa Mental Institute.

  • Paulo and Eko remain the only main characters whose last names have not been revealed. (Eko was referred to as „Tunde“, though this has not been proven as his real name.)
  • Eko along with Ana Lucia, Nikki, Paulo, Walt and Michael did not return to Main Characters status in „The End„.
    • Eko, Nikki and Paulo are the only three main characters in the series to not make a single appearance in Season 6. (Walt did not physically appear, however he was seen in archive footage and appeared in the epilogue.)
  • Eko was invisibly present at Santa Rosa Hospital, playing chess with Hurley in „There’s No Place Like Home, Part 3„.
  • Eko was the sixteenth character to ever have a flashback.
  • Eko’s total episode count is 21.
  • Eko’s last words according to Locke, „You’re next,“ could have been correct. Out of Sayid, Locke, Desmond, Nikki and Paulo—who all witnessed him die—Desmond is the only one who hasn’t died.
    • Eko was killed by the Monster, as were three of the witnesses (albeit indirectly). Nikki was bitten by a Medusa spider, a confirmed form of the Monster, which indirectly resulted in both her death and Paulo’s. Sayid was killed by the bomb planted on the submarine by the Man in Black.
      • Also of note, the Man in Black made considerable use of Locke’s form following his death.
  • Eko has never met Boone, Walt, Juliet, Daniel, Charlotte, Miles, Richard, Ilana, Lapidus, Pierre, Eloise, Penny and Christian.
  • Eko’s candidate number is 76, as seen in the lighthouse.
  • His message to Locke („John 3:05“) reads: „Jesus answered, verily, verily I say unto thee, except a man be born of water and of the spirit, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God.“
  • Eko was the first character to take a life in the struggle between the survivors and the Others.
  • In the video game Lost: Via Domus, Eko is seen at the Hotel Persephone.
  • After the crash, Eko wore his suit for the first two days until his encounter with the Others which left the white shirt bloody. After that, he spent several weeks wearing nothing but pants (shortly after letting Jin, Michael and Sawyer out, he wore palm leaves as cover for his body). However, after the Tailies reunited with Jin, Sawyer and Michael, he put the shirt, which looked greatly deteriorated on again. He wore the same deteriorating shirt (the hole which exposed Eko’s chest grew larger as time went on) until he was attacked by a polar bear in „Further Instructions„. After this, the survivors gave him a green shirt. He tore the sleeves off of this shirt shortly before he died.
  • Eko was killed off on Day 72. There were 72 survivors of Flight 815, counting Vincent.
  • When the Monster kills Eko, the path it thrashes him is in the shape of a cross.
  • Eko did not appear in any flash sideways.
  • Eko is the only character on the cover of Season 6 DVD and Blu-Ray cover that did not actually appear in Season 6. This is because the producers had originally wanted him to return, but negotiations over salary fell through (see below)
  • Eko is one of 22 main characters to have their names appear in a soundtrack title.
  • Eko along with Sun, The Man in Black, Bernard, Christian, Libby and Ilana are only main characters who doesn’t have any line in their first episode.
  • Witnesses of death: Sayid, Locke, Desmond, Nikki, Paulo




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Libby Smith


Elizabeth Smith, more commonly known as Libby, was one of the tail-section survivors of Flight 815. She claimed to be a clinical psychologistbefore the crash, apparently dropping out of medical school sometime during her first year. After reuniting with the middle section survivors, she had a short-lived relationship with Hurley, abruptly ended by her death. A competent and caring woman who acted as a support figure, she was reserved about her own life, giving out little information when asked, or avoiding answering the questions altogether. Michael shot and killed her when she surprised him and walked into the hatch right after he had fatally shot Ana Lucia. Jack desperately tried to keep her alive, but she later died of her wounds on day 65, before she could make anyone understand who had wounded her.

In the flash-sideways, she was finally reunited with her island lover, Hugo Reyes and along with their friends, they moved on.

  • Elizabeth is one of 13 main characters to not have their name appear in a soundtrack title.
  • Libby’s total episode count is 23, as of „The End„.
  • Libby died on her 17th appearance (in the Season 2 episode „?„).
  • The day Libby died (Day 65) also happened to be Thanksgiving Day, 2004.
  • Libby was the seventh former main character to appear in Season 6.
  • Libby’s surname, Smith, was not revealed until the memorial video at the Lost Panel during Comic Con 2009.[2] For some fans, this ended nearly four years of speculation.
  • Libby is one of only eight members of the main cast who have not been given their own centric episode, the others being Charlotte, Frank, Penny, Pierre, Christian, Eloise and Ilana. However, the last few moments of the episode „Dave“ showed an approximately thirty second flashback that was seen from Libby’s POV; this is Libby’s only centric flashback. She also had an on-Island flashback along with the rest of the tailies in „The Other 48 Days„.
  • There are two episodes of the series to add characters to the main cast other than season premieres. In both episodes („Everybody Hates Hugo“ and „The End„) Libby was added to the main cast.
  • Libby has never met Walt, Ben, Daniel, Charlotte, Miles, Richard, Ilana, Lapidus, Pierre, the Man in Black or Eloise, as far as we know. However, she has met the rest of the fuselage-survivors and Desmond in L.A. prior to the crash. Though she did meet Boone, Juliet, Penny, Christian and Shannon in the flash-sideways timeline, she never met them while she was alive. She may have also met Ben since they were both at church.
    • It’s possible that Ben passed her when escaping from the Swan, and he was fully aware of her death, but she was severely injured and wouldn’t have had any interaction with him.
    • Libby may have seen Shannon when she was shot by Ana Lucia.
  • Even though they met prior to the crash, Libby and Desmond never knew of each others’ presence on the Island. Desmond left the Island before Libby and the tailies joined the mid-section‘s camp, and Libby died before he returned during her funeral on the boat she gave him.
    • Desmond would know of Libby’s time on the Island eventually though, in the afterlife, as he orchestrated the reunion and awakenings of Libby and Hurley.
  • Libby was the fourth main character to be killed.
  • Libby was the seventeenth character to ever have a flashback.
  • The flight manifest from the German website stated Libby’s full name as „Elizabeth Franklin“. However, that manifest is an expanded and partially corrected version of the manifest from the Lost: The Untold website, and since both versions of the manifest contain numerous details that contradict information stated on the show itself, they may not be considered canonical. Franklin could be her maiden name as her late husband was called David Smith, so presumably she changed her name to Smith once they were married.
  • In each time frame she appears in, Libby has differently colored and styled hair; When she met Desmond, her hair was fairly short, and a light red. While she was in Santa Rosa, it was long, brown, and unkempt. On the Island, it was shorter, blonde, and wavy.
  • Libby states she was a medical student for one year before dropping out. She implies as she is re-setting Donald’s broken leg that this one year in med school was where she learned how to perform this procedure, yet this is not something that one would ever learn until later in medical training.
  • In a deleted scene from Season 2, Libby tells Hurley that she has been married three times, though whether this is true or not is unclear given her uncertain history.
  • Libby is, along with Eko, Ana Lucia, Nikki and Paulo, one of only a few main characters to never appear in a season premiere.
  • Libby, Sun, the Man in Black, Bernard, Christian, Eko and Ilana are the only main characters who don’t have any lines in their first episode.
  • Libby is the only main character to never have appeared in an odd-numbered season.
  • Libby was killed after Michael shot Ana Lucia. Her death was seen as an accident. This scene is similar to the murder scene in Fyodor Dostoevsky’s „Crime and Punishment“ in which the main character is forced to murder the half-sister of his first victim when she inadvertently walks in on the situation. Wikipedia sums up the plot of the work: „The murder is also commit to test Raskolnikov’s hypothesis that some people are naturally able and have the right to murder“, which is a concept several characters on the show deal with (Eko, Ana Lucia, Locke, etc.) Ben was reading the novel „The Brothers Karamazov“ while he was locked in the armory. This is another novel by Fyodor Dostoevsky.
  • Libby is one of four main characters to die in a DHARMA station. The others are Ana Lucia, Charlie and Juliet.
  • Last words: „Michael…“
  • Witnesses of death: Hurley, Jack


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Ana Lucia Cortez


Ana Lucia Cortez was the leader of the tail section survivors, an ex-police officer with deep-seated emotional issues.

Before the Island, she’d suffered a shooting that killed her unborn child. She killed her attacker afterward in revenge and subsequently resigned from the police force.

On the Island, early clashes with the Others heightened her mistrust, and she responded with aggression, culminating in accidentally killing Shannon. This largely kept the middle section from accepting her, but she developed some camaraderie with Jack and Sawyer. Her life ended suddenly whenMichael killed her.

In the flash-sideways, she helped Desmond, Sayid and Kate all escape from prison in exchange for money offered by Hugo Reyes. Desmond said that Ana Lucia was not ready to move on with them yet.

  • Ana Lucia appeared in four episodes after her death: „?“ as a corpse and in a dream, „Three Minutes“ as a corpse (although she was covered), „The Lie“ as an apparition, and „What They Died For“ in the Afterlife.
  • Ana Lucia was the fifteenth character to ever have a flashback, and the first who was not one of the original fourteen main characters.
  • Ana Lucia was the eighth former main character to appear in Season 6.
  • Ana Lucia’s total episode count is 23.
  • Ana Lucia is one of 22 main characters to have their names appear in a soundtrack title.
  • Ana Lucia never met Boone, Walt, Juliet, Daniel, Charlotte, Miles, Richard, Lapidus, Ilana, Pierre Chang, Penelope Hume, and Eloise Hawking.
    • She met the rest of the fuselage survivors and Ben (under the alias of „Henry Gale“); she also heard Boone‘s voice over the radio.
    • Ana only met Desmond in the Afterlife.
  • Ana Lucia, along with Eko, Nikki, Paulo, Walt and Michael did not return to Main Characters status in „The End„.
  • Ana Lucia was the third main character to be killed.
  • Ana Lucia was the first main character to be murdered, and the only pre-meditated murder victim in the first two seasons.
    • Although Shannon and Libby both died of gunshot wounds, they were both shot by accident, and were not the intended target of either shooter.
    • Ana Lucia and Boone both died in the twentieth episode of their respective season.
  • Ana Lucia was shown to be able to speak fluent Spanish.
  • Ana’s nickname for Christian was an extremely popular name in the series: the Other Tom, Tom Brennan, Claire’s boyfriend Tom, Charlie’s friend Tom, and Tom Sawyer (alias of Anthony Cooper) all share the name.
  • The episode „Knight of a Thousand Devils“ of Knight Rider features a character named Ana Lucia Cortez.
  • Ana Lucia is, along with Eko, Libby, Nikki and Paulo, one of only a few main characters to never appear in a season premiere.
  • Ana Lucia is one of the few main characters whose name wasn’t seen on either Jacob‘s cave wall or the Lighthouse wheel, the others being Libby, Paulo, Richard, Frank, Christian, Eloise, Penny, Bernard and Ilana.
    • Out of those, it is possible the names of Libby and Paulo were present but not confirmed, as their surnames were never noted in the series.
  • Ana Lucia is one of four main characters to have died in a DHARMA station. The others are Libby, Charlie and Juliet.
  • Last words: „For what?“
  • Witnesses of her death: Michael, Ben




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Nathan and Donald

Donald2   Nathanyes

Nathan was a tail section survivor of Oceanic Flight 815. He was suspected by Ana Lucia of being one of the Others, due to his secretive behavior (which was probably due to his personality), and was killed when his neck was broken by Goodwin. Of the main characters, Nathan has only met Ana Lucia, Eko, Libby and Bernard. He was on the same plane as Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Claire, Sun, Jin, Hurley, Sayid, Charlie, Michael, Walt, Locke, Boone, Shannon, Rose, Nikki and Paulo yet did not speak to any of them.

Donald was a tail section survivor of Oceanic Flight 815. Libby referenced Donald’s existence as proof to Hurley that the Island was in fact not a mere fabrication of Hurley’s imagination.



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Emma and Zack


Emma was a tail section survivor of Oceanic Flight 815 who was kidnapped by the Others and then lived with them. She was a young girl who was traveling with her brother Zack to meet their mother in Los Angeles. Emma was one of only three children who survived the crash of Oceanic Flight 815. Emma and her brother were kidnapped by the Others on their twelfth night on the Island. During their time with the Others, Cindy acted as their primary caretaker.

  • In „…And Found„, Eko and Jin see a child holding a teddy bear in the jungle. Fans speculated whether the child was Emma or Zack based on the bear’s similarity to the one they carried.
  • Emma is one of the eight recurring characters whose last names we don’t know. The other seven are Phil, Bram, Zack, Omar, Jason, Neil and Zoe.
  • In every episode that Zack and Emma have been in, Cindy has appeared as well.
  • In „LA X, Part 2-Enhanced„, when Zack and Emma appeared on screen, an enhanced caption stated that their parents died in the crash of Oceanic 815. According to Emma, the children’s mother was supposed to meet them in Los Angeles, („The Other 48 Days„) and their father was never mentioned. The enhanced episodes were stated by the producers to be non-canon.
  • On the main screen of Disc 6 of the Season 3 DVD Box Set, Zack and Emma can clearly be seen walking around the ruins along with their teddy bear and an unknown female.
  • Of all the main characters, Emma has only met Ana Lucia, Libby, Eko, Bernard, Juliet, Ben, Jack, Locke, Sayid, Kate, Jin, Miles, and the Man in Black.
    • It is possible that she met Richard while staying with the Others.
    • It is possible that she met Claire, Sawyer, Sun and Hurley at the Man in Black’s camp.
    • It is probable that she meets Rose once Hurley assumes protectorship of the island.
  • Emma and Zack appeared in four episodes in Season 6, more than in all other seasons combined (three).
  • Emma is one of the few Oceanic Flight 815 survivors alive at the end of the series, along with her brother Zack, Hurley, Kate, Sawyer, Claire, Aaron, Walt, Cindy, Rose, Bernard and Vincent.



Zack was a tail section survivor of Oceanic Flight 815. He was a young boy, traveling with his sister Emma to meet their mother in Los Angeles. Zack was one of only three children to have survived the crash of Oceanic Flight 815. Zack and his sister were kidnapped by the Others on their twelfth night on the Island. During their time with the Others, Cindy acted as their primary caretaker.

  • In „…And Found„, Eko and Jin see some people, possibly Others, walk past them in the jungle. One of the group appears to be a child, and is dragging with him a teddy bear tied to some rope. The bear resembles Zack’s.
  • Zack is one of the eight recurring characters whose last names we don’t know. The other seven are Phil, Bram, Omar, Emma, Jason, Neil and Zoe.
  • In every episode that Zack and Emma have been in, Cindy has appeared as well.
  • In „LA X, Part 2-Enhanced„, when Zack and Emma appeared on screen, an enhanced caption stated that their parents died in the crash of Oceanic 815. According to Emma, the children’s mother was supposed to meet them in Los Angeles, („The Other 48 Days„) and their father was never mentioned. The enhanced episodes were stated by the producers to be non-canon.
  • On the main screen of Disc 6 of the Season 3 DVD Box Set, Zack and Emma can clearly be seen walking around the ruins along with their teddy bear and an unknown female.
  • The spelling of this character’s name is unclear. It has been spelled both „Zach“ and „Zack“ in various press releases and official ABC documents. The Lost Encyclopedia spells it as „Zack“.
  • Of all the main characters, Zack has only met Ana Lucia, Libby, Eko, Bernard, Juliet, Ben, Jack, Locke, Sayid, Kate, Jin, Miles, and the Man in Black.
    • It is possible that he met Richard Alpert during his time with the Others.
    • It is possible that he met Claire and Sawyer at the Man in Black’s camp.
    • It is probable that he meets Rose once Hurley assumes protectorship of the island.
  • In „The Other 48 Days„, there is a scene in which Zack and Emma are fighting over a stick. In real life, Mickey Graue found this stick and Kiersten Havelock was fighting him for it. The cameraman filmed their fight and later it was used in the episode. [source needed]
  • Zack and Emma appeared in four episodes in Season 6, more than in all other seasons combined (three).
  • Zack is one of the few Oceanic Flight 815 survivors alive at the end of the series, along with his sister Emma, Hurley, Kate, Sawyer, Claire, Aaron, Walt, Cindy, Rose, Bernard and Vincent.




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Cindy Chandler


Cindy Chandler was working as an Oceanic Airlines flight attendant in 2004, when Oceanic Flight 815 broke up over a mysterious island in the Pacific. Surviving the crash in the tail section of the plane, she along with her fellow survivors made camp at the abandoned Arrow station for several weeks. When the group began to trek across the island to find the middle section survivors, Chandler was abducted by the Island’s natives and assimulated into their society. Living amongst these people, Chandler became the caretaker of her fellow abductees Zach and Emma, two children from Flight 815. Stationed at the Temple after the time flashes, Chandler aligned with the Man in Black to insure the safety of the children. After the mysterious man’s death, Chandler and the children joined the Island’s new protector, Hugo „Hurley“ Reyes, in living out a new era on the island.



Cindy talk to Charlie:

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Bernard Nadler


Bernard Nadler was a tail section survivor of the crash of Oceanic Flight 815 and the husband of Rose. He was the only tail section survivor who was not captured by the Others or killed. He wasn’t seated in the tail section, and was only there when the plane crashed because he was using the bathroom. Bernard cared very much for Rose and felt a need to fix things, like her cancer, not dissimilar to Jack. After time-travelling to 1977, Bernard and Rose lived in peaceful seclusion in a cabin near the beach. After the Incident, they traveled back to 2007 and briefly assisted Desmond in the War before they returned to their policy of non-involvement.


  • Bernard is only one from the tail section who wasn’t kidnapped or murdered.
  • Bernard is also one of the few Oceanic Flight 815 survivors, along with his wife Rose, Hurley, Kate, Sawyer, Claire, Aaron, Walt, Cindy, Zack, Emma and Vincent.
  • Bernard appeared in a total of 26 episodes, the same number as his wife.
    • Two of his appearances were made solely by his flash-sideways counterpart.
  • Bernard is ambidextrous.
  • He was the eighteenth character to ever have a flashback.
    • He and Rose were the first minor characters to have a flashback.
  • Bernard and Rose along with Jin and Sun were the only married couples among the crash survivors.
  • Bernard met all the main characters except Walt, Richard, Ilana, Pierre, Eloise, Lapidus, and Ben, though he spoke to the latter over a walkie talkie in „Through the Looking Glass.“
    • Bernard also saw Ben when he came with MIB.
    • Bernard met Penny and Christian in the flash-sideways timeline.
    • It is possible that Bernard eventually meets Walt once Walt returns to the Island following the events of „The New Man in Charge„.
  • Actor Sam Anderson is one of six actors who played a recurring character who was given billing with the rest of the main cast for the only time in „The End„.
  • The flight manifest from the German website states Bernard’s full name as „Bernard Bernstein“. However, that manifest is an expanded and partially corrected version of the manifest from the Lost: The Untold website, and since both versions of the manifest contain numerous details that contradict information stated on the show itself, they’re to be considered non-canonical.
  • Greatest Hits“ is the first episode of Season 3 in which Bernard and Rose appear (apart from Rose briefly appearing in a flashback in „Exposé„).
  • The last shot of the episode „Adrift“ shows the tail section survivors with their „weapons“ from the POV of Jin, Michael, and Sawyer. In this shot, a man is visible to the left of Cindy and Mr. Eko. It is probable that this man is actually Bernard, although filmed with a stand-in, rather than Sam Anderson himself.
  • Bernard was the only tail section survivor known to have had contact with Boone.
  • Bernard shares the name of a secondary character from the graphic novel Watchmen, who is a newsstand vendor who opened his newsstand to meet people after his wife, Rose, died.
  • When Bernard is found for the first time, he is sitting in a chair from the plane, still strapped in. He was in the bathroom when the tail section was ripped off. How he managed to leave the bathroom and strap himself into a chair is unknown. And if he strapped in before the tail section ripped off, it is unknown why or how he did so. The closest theory is he left the bathroom right before the plane experienced turbulence and sat in the seat closest to him for safety.
  • Bernard, along with Rose and Vincent, were featured on the season 6 poster. Ilana, Walt, Nikki, and Paulo, though main cast, are not featured on the final season poster that Rose and Bernard appear in.
  • Bernard is one of 22 main characters to have their names appear in a soundtrack title.
  • Bernard is a dentist but he has very crooked teeth and fillings. „S.O.S.
  • Bernard along with Sun, The Man in Black, Christian, Eko, Libby and Ilana are the only main characters who don’t have any lines in their first respective episodes.
  • Bernard the eldest surviving passengers of Oceanic 815.



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Jack Shephard


Dr. Jack Shephard was an American spinal surgeon and the plane crash survivorsde facto leader. Before the crash, his obsessive personality wrecked his marriage and his relationship with his father. On the Island though, the survivors sought his guidance during many crises and missions, and he united them until they cooperated and formed a society.

Jack developed romantic relationships with Kate and later Juliet. Jack and Sawyer’s shared romantic interest in Kate sparked a jealous rivalrybetween them for her affections. His rationality, so useful when solving problems, prevented him from accepting the Island‘s mystic properties and caused friction with „man of faith“ John Locke. Problems arose that Jack could not fix despite his obsession and self-sacrifice. Though he tried to repress his guilt, at times he would resort to physical or emotional outbursts.

After suffering a kidnapping and almost negotiating his own rescue, Jack escaped the Island with five other survivors. Off-island, he laid his father to rest and proposed to Kate, but visits from John Locke and the ghost of his father sent him towards depression and substance abuse. Yet he gained new faith, and he led the survivors back to the island, believing it was his destiny. He then found himself in the past, where he tried to reset his own life and the lives of the others and prevent the crash of Oceanic 815.

The attempt failed, sending Jack to a new low. But after discovering he was a candidate to replace Jacob as Protector of the island, he gained confidence and decided to stay on the island. He also ceded decision-making to Sawyer, overcoming his control issues. He chose to become the Island’s new protector and was almost killed by the Man in Black, but with Kate’s help, he killed him before he could leave the Island. He then sacrificed himself to relight the Heart, saving the Island from destruction. Post-death, he imagined a son and an ex-wife to come to terms with his bad relationships. His personality mixed science and faith, but he again felt the compulsion to fix others. His stubbornness returned, and unlike his friends, he resisted remembering his life, even after experiencing flashes. Eventually though, he remembered everything and after seeing his father again, he was able to „let go“, reuniting with Kate and his friends, to finally move on in the church.

  • Jack has met all of the main characters.
    • Jack is the only one who has met all the main characters, since Sun and Sayid haven’t met Pierre, Hurley hasn’t met Eloise, and Sawyer hasn’t met Ilana.
  • Jack was the nineteenth and last main character to „remember“ his experiences on the island in the flash-sideways.
  • Jack is one of the seven characters to have a flashback, a flash-forward and a flash-sideways episode centered around them. The other six are Hurley, Sayid, Kate, Sawyer, Ben and Sun.
  • When Jack sees his father in the hospital and asks another doctor for stress-relieving medication, he asks for Clonazepam. This is the same medication Hurley was prescribed during his stay at Santa Rosa.
  • As de facto leader, Jack has resorted to some extreme measures to protect the crash survivors. This includes sanctioning the torture of Sawyer (who he believed to have Shannon‘s asthma medication), setting up the ambush of Ethan Rom, holding Ben hostage to trade for Walt, engaging in a risky attempt to recover Walt, holding Ben‘s life hostage during surgery to allow his friends to escape, and refusing to bring the phone to Ben which would have resulted in Jin, Sayid, and Bernard‘s „deaths“.
  • In the commentary track on the Season 1 DVD, the producers explained that the character of Jack as the de facto leader of the survivors was intended to be killed off in „The Pilot, Part 1“ bythe Monster, with Kate becoming the de facto leader. However, ABC executives and advisers to the producers convinced the writers and producers to keep him alive. They reasoned that killing him off, while a novel idea, generated feelings of betrayal, bewilderment, and anger in the audience. Instead, Oceanic 815’s pilot, Seth Norris was written in and killed in Jack’s place.Fox‘s portrayal of Jack as such a likable and noble character that audiences can relate to only helped solidify his survival and importance to the show.
    • In the same commentary track, it was discussed that the role was originally intended for Michael Keaton but this idea was discarded after it was decided that he wouldn’t die in „Pilot, Part 1„.
  • In Lost: Via Domus, his full name is given as Jackson Shepherd. However, only the Island locations in the game are considered canon, but the story-line and characters are not.
  • Jack, Locke and Michael have turned suicidal at some point after leaving the Island.
  • Jack has an O-blood type, which means that he is a universal donor.
  • As seen in „Something Nice Back Home„, Jack has two scars: one from his appendectomy and one from Kate’s suturing in „Pilot, Part 1„.
  • Jack is a baseball fan, and seems to have some affection for the Boston Red Sox and some contempt for the New York Yankees.
  • Jack’s frequent crying and over-emoting earned him the fan nickname „Jears“, which combines „Jack“ and „tears“.
  • Jack may be indirectly responsible for Shannon‘s disdainful attitude towards others. If he had chosen to save Adam Rutherford instead of Sarah in „Man of Science, Man of Faith„, Shannon may have had an easier transition from childhood to adulthood without her step-mother‘s influence.
  • Nearly every time Jack is seen with a gun it is a Colt .45 pistol.
  • Jack and Pierre are the only main characters confirmed to be aware of all the DHARMA Initiative stations.
  • Jack, like Ben, develops a deadly condition (appendicitis) on an Island where people including Rose, Locke, and Jin are all healed in some way (Rose’s cancer, Locke’s paralysis and Jin’s infertility).
  • Jack’s candidate number, 23, is special with respect to the Numbers and the remaining candidates.
  • Jack’s centric episodes in Season 3 are all titles of books: A Tale of Two Cities, Stranger In A Strange Land and Through the Looking Glass
  • Jack’s musical theme is A Touching Moment.
  • Jack is the only character to play his theme. He played it when Kate tried to rescue him from the Barracks, while he was held by the others.
  • Jack revealed to Kate that he had taken a couple of flying lessons but realized that „It wasn’t for him“.
  • Jack is one of 22 main characters to have their names appear in a soundtrack title.
  • Last words: „I’ll see you in another life, brother“
  • Witnesses of his death: Vincent

Episode statistics

  • Counting archival footage, Jack appeared in 113 episodes, more than any other character, and he was the first to appear in 100 episodes.
  • Jack, along with Hurley, hold the record for longest streak of appearances, both having a streak of 31, both between „Pilot, Part 1“ and „Abandoned„.
  • He had the most centric episodes, including seven in a single season, also a record.
  • Jack had one of the highest ratios of centrics to appearances (22/113), second only to Jacob who appeared in just 11 episodes.
  • The first three season premieres featured Jack’s flashbacks. He starred in the first flashback and flash forward, though two characters had centric episodes before his first.
  • Juliet‘s, Charlotte‘s, Frank‘s, Miles‘s, and Jacob‘s first episodes contained their first flashback.
  • Jack (along with only Hurley, Sun, Christian, and Jin) appeared in every season and the Missing Pieces.
  • He tied Michael with 5 mobisode appearances, and he tied or surpassed all characters for appearances each season, except for season 3, when Kate appeared more.
  • He and Kate are the only characters to appear in every premiere.
  • Jack was the nineteenth main character to die, the third from the Oceanic 6, and was the last person to die on screen.
  • More main characters died in Jack-centric episodes than anyone else’s. Boone, Charlie, Michael, Juliet, Sayid, Jin, Sun, the Man in Black and Jack himself all died in partial or fully Jack-centric episodes.




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Jin-Soo Kwon


Jin-Soo Kwon (Korean name: Kwon Jin-Soo; Hangul: 권진수; Hanja: 權眞秀), more commonly known as Jin, was married to Sun-Hwa Kwon and was one of the middle section survivors of Oceanic Flight 815. Knowing no English, Jin initially isolated himself and Sun from the other survivors, and when he found out that she had secretly learned English, he felt betrayed and briefly left her. He later learned English himself and involved himself more in group activities. His time on the island restored his marriage, which his violent, corrupt job had nearly ruined. He even managed to conceive a child with his wife, even though he’d been infertile. He also contributed through his combat skills, which he’d learned as his father-in-law’s enforcer, and through fishing, a humble occupation that had brought him shame back in Korea.

Jin tried a number of times to escape the island. His first attempt sent him right back to the island, into the hands of a hostile group of other survivors. He and Sun later boarded a freighter, but though Sun escaped, a disaster aboard convinced her he died. Jin returned to the Island, time traveling to 1974, where he joined the DHARMA Initiative as a security officer for three years. He returned to 2007, where he reunited with Sun. They tried to leave the island on a submarine. It sank, and the two drowned together. They stayed a couple in the afterlife and moved on with their friends.

  • Jin was the twelfth character to ever have a flashback.
  • Jin’s episode count so far is 92 (as of „The End„), although three of his appearances were made solely by his flash-sideways counterpart.
    • He was killed on his 90th appearance.
    • In 14 of his appearances, Jin appeared without lines. (One of them was solely archive footage)
    • His six episode absence in Season 3 is the longest time that a character has been absent without there being any plot reason given for their absence.
  • Jin and Sun along with Rose and Bernard are the only married couples among the crash surviors.
  • Jin is one of the six characters to appear in all six seasons and Missing Pieces along with Sun, Hurley, Christian Shephard, Claire and Jack.
  • Jin and Sun were the sixteenth and seventeenth main characters to die.
  • Jin has only one centric episode solely for himself. Every other centric episode is either shared with Sun or multiple characters.
  • Jin is the only main character to have his own centric episode appear only once in each season.
    • Jin along with Sun and Locke are only characters who were credited as main cast in all six seasons but did not make appearances in all Season 1 episodes.
  • Jin has met all of the main characters except Ilana, and Eloise.
  • Jin has visited five of the ten known DHARMA Initiative stations: the Swan, the Arrow, the Staff, the Hydra and the Flame. Jin, Kate and Desmond have visited the most stations. However since Jin is dead and Desmond isn’t a survivor, Kate has visited the most stations.
    • As a member of DHARMA security, he may have visited more stations.
  • Jin’s appearance in Jack‘s and Ana Lucia‘s flashbacks both occur with him standing in line waiting to check in.
  • Jin-Sun Kwon („Sun“ instead of „Soo“) is a character in the video game F.E.A.R. First Encounter Assault Recon, and her name is possibly a reference to both Jin and Sun on the show.
  • Two Jin-centric episodes have ellipses in front of them, „…And Found„, „…In Translation„. In these phrases, the ellipses can easily be replaced by the word „Lost.“
  • Jin’s scary ghost story from „Catch-22“ translates as: „And the girl turned to the man who saved her and said , ‘Thank God. I was afraid you were the Hook Man.’ And the man looked at the girl with a smile and said, ‘Don’t worry, little girl. My hook is….STILL IN YOUR FATHER’S HEAD!“
  • „Jin Soo“ roughly translates to „treasure of knowledge“.
  • The female form of „Jin Soo“ is „Soo Jin“
  • Alternate spellings:
  • Revised Romanization of Korean (RR): Gwon Jin-su
  • McCune-Reischauer (MR): Kw?n Chin-su



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Sun-Hwa Kwon


Sun-Hwa Kwon (née Paik) (Korean name: Paik Sun-hwa; Hangul: 백선화; Hanja: 白善華), more commonly known as Sun, was married to Jin-Soo Kwon and was one of the middle section survivors of Oceanic Flight 815. Though she initially pretended to speak only Korean while on the Island, she was helpful, caring, sociable and occasionally brave with survivors, eventually forming notable relationships with Kate and Hurley.

Before the crash, Sun and Jin’s marriage suffered because Jin oppressed her and they couldn’t conceive. She strayed from and almost left her husband at one point. On the Island, the couple isolated themselves until Sun revealed that she spoke English, shocking her husband. He shunned her, but they later reconciled. Despite Jin’s infertility, Sun conceived Jin’s baby on the Island, which strengthened their marriage but threatened Sun’s health. The couple managed to board an offshore freighter, but only Sun seemed to escape its explosion.

Back in civilization, Sun became more self-confident and daring, seizing control of her father’s company. She also sought revenge for Jin’s death, but then flew back to the Island upon learning he was still alive. Their reunion was very brief, however. A submarine they boarded sank, and she and Jin drowned together. In the flash sideways, the pair were reunited and moved on with their friends from the Island.

Episode statistics



  • „Sun“ is only half of her Korean name. Dr. Je-Gyu Kim, apparently a friend of the family and who knows her on a first-name-basis, can be heard addressing her as „선화씨“ (Sun-Hwa-ssi) indicating that her full given name is Sun-Hwa. („The Whole Truth„)
    • When Sun was married, if she followed an old tradition of Korean women, her title would be Paik Sun-Hwa, wife of Kwon when the relation has to be known. It remains unclear why she followed the Western practice of taking her husband’s surname. She may have just let herself be addressed as „Mrs. Kwon“; however, Colleen referred to her as „Sun-Hwa Kwon“, so it can be inferred that she took Jin’s name.
    • Her passport, as seen in „Because You Left„, clearly shows „Kwon“ as her surname and „Sun-Hwa“ as her given name.
  • Koreans put their surname before their given name. „Sun-Hwa Paik“ is a Westernised form; in Korean, her name is 백선화 (Paik Sun-Hwa).
  • „Sun Hwa“ roughly translates to „Goodness and Beauty“
  • There is no male counterpart to „Sun Hwa“
  • Alternate Romanized spellings:
    • Revised Romanization of Korean (RR): Baek Seon-hwa
    • McCune-Reischauer (MR): Paek Sŏn’hwa
  • We don’t find out her name until „Tabula Rasa„.


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Sayid Jarrah


Sayid Hassan Jarrah (Arabic:سعيد جراح) was a middle section survivor of Oceanic Flight 815 and a former Iraqi Republican Guard torturer. A courageous man and a competent leader, Sayid maintained a conservative manner which reflected strength and spirituality.

Sayid spent much of his adult life searching for his love, Nadia, and trying to atone for his past. On the Island, his skills and leadership played a key role in his group’s survival. Sayid worked to find the source of a distress signal and met the woman who sent it out. He developed a relationship withShannon, another survivor, and was devastated by her accidental death. Sayid proved very useful in the survivors’ fight against the Others, first interrogating one who they trapped and later helping Kate and Locke rescue Jack.

Sayid was one of the six who escaped the Island. He reunited with Nadia, but when a hit-and-run driver killed her, Sayid joined Benjamin Linus as a hitman against Widmore to avenge her death. Afterward, he did charity work in the Dominican Republic, but Ilana forced him aboard Ajira Airways Flight 316, returning him to the Island. Sayid found himself in 1977, where the DHARMA Initiative captured him, believing him a Hostile. He escaped and unsuccessfully tried to kill young Ben, whose father then shot him. After he returned to 2007, he died, but the Man in Black resurrected him and recruited him to his side. After this, Sayid lived in the Man in Black’s group in an almost blank state. After speaking with Desmond, he broke out of this state, and was later redeemed when he sacrificed himself aboard Widmore’s submarine, exploding while carrying the Man in Black’s bomb.

In the flash-sideways, he was reunited with his island lover, Shannon Rutherford and along with their friends, they moved on.

  • Sayid was the seventh character to ever have a flashback.
  • Sayid was the third character to ever have a flash-forward.
  • Sayid’s episode count is 96 (as of „The End„). He was killed on his 95th appearance.
  • Sayid has met all of the main characters except Pierre.
  • Sayid is one of the seven characters to have a flashback, a flash-forward and a flash-sideways episode centered around them. The other six are Hurley, Sun, Kate, Sawyer, Ben and Jack.
  • Sayid was the fifteenth main character to die.
    • Sayid was the first main character of the Oceanic Six to die.
    • Sayid was also the first main character to die in the season that was on Oceanic Flight 815 and was a main character since Season 1.
    • Sayid also was the first main character not seen at the crash site to die.
  • Sayid is the third main character to die in an explosion, after Michael, and Ilana.
  • Sayid is one of the five main characters not seen at the crash site of Oceanic 815‘s middle section, along with Kate Austen, James „Sawyer“ Ford, Sun-Hwa Kwon and Walt Lloyd.
  • All of Sayid’s love interests over the course of the show have ended up dying (Nadia, Shannon, Elsa and Ilana).
  • In almost all of his appearances on island Sayid wears an undershirt.
  • The name Sayyid is an Arabic honorific for a descendant of the prophet Muhammad. However, Sayyid and Sayid have greater pronunciation and written differences in Arabic. While Sayyid(سيّد) means a master or one of the prophet descendant, Sayid (also pronounced Sa’eed – سعيد) is an adjective in Arabic means simply a happy person.
  • Sayid’s surname, Jarrah (Arabic: جراح), originally meaning a ‘cutter’ or a ‘wounder’ in traditional Arabic, is currently the typical Arabic translation for the word ‘Surgeon’.
    • Eucalyptus marginata (Jarrah) is a very durable Australian hardwood, once used to make roads in England.
  • The names Sayid / Said may be a link to Palestinian-American literary theorist, critic. and philosopher Edward W. Said (Arabic:إدوارد وديع سعيد‎). Among other books on related topics, Edward W. Said wrote Orientalism; a book that reflects on colonization and how the colonizers of a new land start to call the original habitants „the Other“.
    • That name similarity may have played in a part in Sawyer assuming Sayid was the one in handcuffs and was a terrorist, who was to blame for the crash. („Pilot, Part 2„)
  • Three of the six Sayid-centric episodes (not counting the multi-flash finales) have been followed by a Claire-centric episode.
  • Sayid is considered by many Lost fans to be the most level-headed Survivor, and is highly regarded for being the best at judging characters.[2]
  • Sayid can be seen on the TV in the background of the U.S. Army Office where Kate’s father works in the episode „What Kate Did„.
  • Sayid was the first member of the middle section group to hear the whispers (see Sawyer, Shannon, Charlie).
  • The name of Sayid’s father, Hassan; Sayid’s date of birth; and location of his birth were all obtained from his passport details as seen via the Oceanic Air Website.
  • Sayid now knows that Sawyer killed a man in Australia.
  • In the post-hatch timeline, Sayid is seen using a compass in season 3, apparently unaffected by any island magnetism.
  • Sayid appears to have been shot more than any other survivor. He has been shot four separate times; once in a flashback, by himself, once on the Island in the present, by Mikhail Bakunin, once in the future, by Elsa and once on the Island in the past, by Roger Linus.
    • He was also shot with a tranquilizer dart.
  • Has been mistaken for an Other/Hostile more than once. Danielle Rousseau captures him, thinking he is an Other, Mikhail pretends to think he is an Other when he first encounters him, andRadzinsky thinks he is a Hostile when he is in the past.
  • Sayid is one of 22 main characters to have their names appear in a soundtrack title.
  • Last words: „Because it’s going to be you, Jack“
  • Witnesses of his death: Jack, Sawyer, Hurley, Kate, Jin, Sun, Frank



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John Locke


John Locke was a survivor of Oceanic Flight 815 and a previously disabled man who found himself able to walk once he arrived on the Island. He,Rose, and Walt Lloyd were the only people among the survivors that wanted to stay on the Island, believing his special destiny was to protect the miraculous place. In service to this cause, he pushed his friends away, committed murder, and eventually lost his life.

Locke grew up in foster care but, later in life, he met his father, who conned him out of a kidney, ruined his relationship with his girlfriend and finally pushed him out of a window, breaking his back and confining him to a wheelchair. Locke spent the next four years of his life paralyzed from the waist down and looking for his purpose in life. He was then told to attend an Australian Walkabout, after which he found himself aboard Flight 815. On the Island, he served as a friendly, caring mentor, giving Boone a purpose, helping Claire with her pregnancy and child, treating Charlie‘s addiction, and teaching Walt skills. But his faith and questionable decisions sparked a rivalry with Jack, his philosophical opposite.

When Locke discovered a Hatch on the Island, he was determined to open it, believing his purpose lay inside. He briefly lost faith in the Island while in there, but he left it with his belief renewed, and he set off on a new quest – to join the Island’s people. He became their leader, taking the position from Ben Linus, trying meanwhile to protect the Island from new invaders. But once he assumed leadership, the Island began dangerously flashing through time. Locke learned he had to leave the Island and sacrifice his life to retrieve survivors who had left. He tried but thought he failed this mission, and he attempted suicide – only to be stopped and then strangled by Ben. No one attended his funeral.

After death, Locke dealt with his guilt for what he’d done while alive and came to terms with his limitations before moving on with his friends.

  • Locke’s total episode count is 101 (as of the final episode „The End„), and his death occurred on his 79th appearance.
  • He is the fifth most-frequently appearing character behind Jack, Kate, Hurley and Sawyer.
  • Locke has the final line in the series „We’ve been waiting for you“.
  • Locke became the fifth and last character to appear in 100 episodes, after Jack, Kate, Hurley and Sawyer.
  • Locke was the only main character to die in America.
  • Locke was the eleventh main character to be killed.
  • Locke was born in 1956, but Everyday (The Buddy Holly song playing at the beginning of „Cabin Fever„) was not released until 1957.
  • Locke was the fourth character to ever have a flashback.
  • When Locke’s first flashback in „Walkabout“ cuts away, the „whoosh“ sound does not accompany the transition. Instead, it is the sound of a printing calculator. This sound is very reminiscent of a sound the Smoke Monster makes and a possible allusion to the relationship Locke has with the Smoke Monster later in the series (i.e. the Smoke Monster takes on Locke’s form in Season 5). The sound of the monster was in fact taken from a NYC taxi receipt printer.
  • Locke holds the record on the show for the most flashbacks, 16.
    • He is one of only two characters to have a flashback postmortem, the other being Naomi. He is also the only character to have a post-mortem flash sideways episode dedicated to him.
      • He also holds the record for most post-mortem flashbacks and appearances.
      • Locke along with Sun and Jin are only characters who were credited as main cast in all six seasons but did not make appearances in all Season 1 episodes.
  • Locke has met all of the main characters except Frank, Pierre, Eloise and Ilana.
    • Ironically, both Frank and Ilana were two of the four people at Locke’s funeral, despite never meeting.
    • Locke managed to see Daniel for the first time across a large field on the island in „Jughead„, even though they had both been on the island for ten days.
    • The Man in Black under the guise of John Locke has met both Lapidus and Ilana who originally believed him to be the real Locke.
    • Locke also met Penny in the flash-sideways timeline.
    • See also Last meetings of John Locke.
    • Locke was also aware of Eloise Hawking and Pierre Chang, the latter of whom he saw in the DHARMA Orientation videos.
  • Seasons 1, 2 and 3’s nineteenth episodes have all dealt with a crash survivor discovering about Locke’s paralysis.
  • John has a habit of injuring his legs, and has done so in every season before he died except the fourth.
    • In „Deus Ex Machina“ from season 1, his leg is damaged by metal shrapnel, and later in the episode, he loses function in both legs. However, the paralysis disappears as suddenly and mysteriously as it had appeared.
    • In „Lockdown„, his leg is crushed during the Lockdown procedure inside the Swan.
    • In „The Man Behind the Curtain„, he is shot by Ben, and loses function in both legs. Just as in season 1, the paralysis disappears unexplained.
    • In „Because You Left„, he is shot in the leg by Ethan Rom and in „This Place Is Death„, he falls down a well on his way down to the Frozen Wheel, and fractures his leg.
  • Locke’s seat number was 24D.
    • Locke was seated directly behind Rose and diagonally across from Jack.
  • Locke, like Kate, is a Gemini.
  • Locke saw Jeff Hadley‘s art exhibition in Sydney in the book Signs of Life.
  • The name of the actor who played the Sleestak leader in Season Three of the 1970s TV show Land of the Lost was Jon Locke.
  • Locke’s actions have so far brought about the destruction of two DHARMA stations on the Island, the Swan and the Flame.
  • Locke likes Twinkies and dogs. As a teenager, Locke claimed his favorite hobbies were sports, fishing and cars. („Cabin Fever„)  („Walkabout„)  („Par Avion„)
  • While working as a Home Inspector he met Nadia, Sayid‘s lost love, inspecting her house. As it is seen in Locke’s car door, his company phone number was 714-555-0116 („Lockdown„)
  • In „The Man from Tallahassee„, Locke says, „For all you know, I was a commander in the Navy.“ Actor Terry O’Quinn had a recurring role as the CAG (Commander, Air Group) of a US Navy aircraft carrier on the television show JAG. His character’s name was Admiral Thomas Boone.
  • Locke is the 3rd character to have three flashbacks in one season. Jack and Kate were the first two.
  • The Walt apparition, when Locke is injured in the DHARMA grave, admonishes him that he has „work to do“. It is reminiscent of a scene from the film adaptation of Stephen King’s The Shining, when Jack Nicholson’s character is scolded in the restroom of the ballroom in the Overlook Hotel that he still has „work to do“. („Through the Looking Glass, Part 1„)
  • A common nickname for people named John is „Jack“ (John F. Kennedy was often called Jack). Locke’s polar opposite on the series is named Jack.
  • In the DVD commentary for „The Man Behind the Curtain„, the producers describe Locke’s relationship with Ben as being a multi-chapter showdown for who will be the „Master of the Island.“
  • His bald head, besides O’Quinn trademark, is a reminiscent of the look of Marlon Brando’s Colonel Kurtz in the movie Apocalypse Now. Locke is called „Colonel“ in his past job and „Kurtz“ by Sawyer (Nicknames). The movie is an adaptation of Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, and also is set in the jungle.
  • On an episode of The Colbert Report, in a segment called „Cheating Death“ there is a fictional check made out to Jeremy Bentham.
  • After turning the wheel, Locke appeared in the Sahara around 2007. This means he skipped three years, and so in the present 2007/2008 time period he is still 48, despite being born in 1956.
  • The box company where Locke used to work was owned by Hurley.
  • After telling Desmond that he worked in a box company previous to coming to the Island, Desmond on a few occasions calls him ‘Box-Man’.
  • The band .moneen. has a song on the album „The Red Tree“ called „Don’t Ever Tell Locke What He Can’t Do.“
  • Both Locke and his father were strangled to death, in a very similar fashion.
  • Locke is one of four characters to „move on“ in the flash-sideways without being part of a couple. The other three are Boone, Christian and Aaron.
  • John is one of 22 main characters to have their names appear in a soundtrack title.
  • The picture Locke drew as a five year old is very similar to the scene where the Monster rushes out of the Heart of the Island in Across the Sea.
  • Last words: „Yeah, yeah, yeah, why, you know her?“
  • Witnesses of his death: Benjamin Linus



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Neil „Frogurt“


Neil, sometimes referred to as „Frogurt“, due to his profession as a frozen yogurt salesman, was one of the middle section survivors of OceanicFlight 815. Neil survived on the Island for 101 days, dying after receiving a flaming arrow to the chest during the island’s time shifting period.

In the flash-sideways, Neil was just as temperamental as he was before. It’s unknown when or if he remembered his life and moved on.

  • Neil „Frogurt“ had a very delayed show debut:
  • Although Neil is one of the survivors that were with Daniel Faraday on the Zodiac raft when the island moved, Sean Whalen did not appear in „There’s No Place Like Home, Part 2„. The character wearing a red shirt is played by a background extra whose face is obscured by another survivor.
  • Neil’s actual family name is not yet confirmed. „Frogurt“ is merely an occupational nickname, and when anyone calls him that, he corrects that with „Neil“. („S.O.S.„)  („The Adventures of Hurley and Frogurt„)  („The Lie„)
  • When Sawyer picked up a red shirt and asked „Whose shirt is this?“, Neil responded that it was his, foreshadowing his own death as Boone explained in Season 1 („All the Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues„) that „red shirts“ were always the ones which were killed on missions in the television show „Star Trek“.
  • Subtitles on the season four DVD spell his name as „Neal“.
  • Neil shows some kind of dislike of Sawyer.
  • Supervising producer Edward Kitsis was the one credited with giving the audience an idea as to who Neil „Frogurt“ was in the past life.
  • Stunt man Kim Koscki played Neil lit on fire.






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Michael Dawson

Lost, Harold Perrineau as Michael Dawson (and his son)

Michael Dawson was a former construction worker and painter and one of the middle section survivors of Oceanic Flight 815. Before the crash, Michael lost custody of his son Walt to his girlfriend Susan Lloyd, and never got to know him. He had no access to his child until many years later, when Susan died and he was awarded custody. After the crash, Michael had problems earning Walt’s trust and respect, but the two eventually bonded during their time on the Island together. He was in charge of the construction of the raft and attempted to leave the Island with Walt, Jin, andSawyer to find rescue. However, while they were at sea they were attacked by the Others, Walt was kidnapped and the raft was destroyed. They washed up on shore, discovered the tail-section survivors of the plane, and headed back to camp. After communicating with Walt on the Swan stationcomputer, Michael ventured a rescue alone, but was captured himself. When he returned, he shot Ana Lucia and Libby in order to release Benjamin Linus from captivity, and caused the capture of Jack, Sawyer, and Kate, meeting his end of the deal he had made with the Others in return for Walt. After leaving the Island on a motor boat with Walt, Michael returned to Manhattan, but racked with guilt, he became estranged from Walt and turned suicidal. In order to redeem himself he went undercover for Ben as a saboteur on the freighter Kahana, posing as a deckhand named Kevin Johnson. He was aboard the freighter when the C-4 bomb was found, and he froze its battery with liquid nitrogen to delay its detonation long enough for the Oceanic Six to escape, but the bomb eventually exploded, destroying the freighter and killing him.

Because of his actions, Michael did not „move on“ and his spirit remained on the Island. Michael would use Hurley’s ability to see the deceased to try and aid his friends, and could be heard among the whispers.

  • Michael was the tenth character to have a flashback.
  • Michael was the sixth former main character to appear in Season 6.
  • Michael is one of 22 main characters to have their names appear in a soundtrack title.
  • Michael’s episode count is 48.
  • Michael and Jack appeared in the most mobisodes, with five appearances each.
  • Michael has met all of the main characters except Richard, Ilana, Pierre, Eloise, and Penny.
  • Michael along with Ana Lucia, Eko, Nikki, Paulo, and Walt did not return to Main Characters status in „The End„.
  • In the Bible, Michael is the only designated archangel and is also known as the great prince.
    • At the time of the Apocalypse, he will rescue everyone whose name is written in the book.
    • He appears in a vision of the prophet Daniel while the Israelites are enslaved in Babylon.
    • He also leads a battle in the Book of Revelation.
  • Michael was the first character to re-join the main cast after having left the show. Other characters to do this are Claire, Daniel, Shannon, Charlotte, Juliet, Charlie, Boone and Libby.
  • Michael is the only one of the fourteen original main characters to not appear in Season 3.
  • Michael’s Oceanic plane tickets that he receives from Brian Porter are tickets for flights from Sydney to New York. He is the only character we know of that was on the plane but was not going to Los Angeles. However it can be assumed that he needed to board another plane to take him from New York to Los Angeles.
  • Michael along with Walt, Rose, Bernard, and Frank all hail from some part of New York.
  • Michael was the only main character in Season 4 who didn’t set foot on the Island during the season.
  • Michael is the ninth main character to be killed.
  • The only main characters to see Michael again on the freighter in Season 4 were Sayid, Jin and Sun. Desmond had never met him before during Season 2. Coincidentally, the former three with the use of Desmond’s boat, were trying to stop Michael’s escape plan in the Season 2 finale „Live Together, Die Alone„. Again coincidentally, Michael appears to Hurley and says people are going to die and this three die.
  • Of the ten characters seen at the crash site, more than half are dead- Charlie, Michael, Shannon, Locke, Jack, Jin and Boone. Claire, Hurley, and Rose are all alive, as well as three of the main characters not seen- Kate, Sawyer, and Walt.
  • In The Lighthouse and Cliffside cave, the name Dawson (presumably Michael) is listed as number 124.
  • Michael has the first and last lines of Season 1, which are both: „Walt!“
  • Last words: „Who are you?“
  • Witnesses of his death: Man in Black (disguised as Christian Shepard)




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Jerome was a middle section survivor of Oceanic Flight 815. Jerome was an uncredited background extra character, whose name has been inferred from the dialog of other characters. Throughout his appearances he was often depicted by his curly brown hair and glasses.

The name „Jerome“ was only mentioned in „S.O.S.“ by Bernard, as taken from both the United States closed captioning and DVD subtitles:

BERNARD: I got an idea. [he walks away and goes toward a couple of redshirts] Hey, Richard, Craig, Jerome come here.
S.O.S. transcript

Although it may be deduced for these reasons that this character’s name is „Jerome“, this labeling of this specific background actor (Jim Mazzarella) is probably not a decision of the writers or casting department; therefore, any narrative of this individual’s biography should be considered a fan-creation.

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Blonde casualty


Blonde casualty was a a middle section survivor of Oceanic Flight 815. The Blonde casualty is an uncredited background extra character, who was shot and killed on Day 97, by the mercenary team. She often wears a purple bandana.

  • When Hurley won the lottery, the Blonde casualty was among the reporters who interviewed him. This appearance may simply be a re-use among extras, not intended by the writers to be the same „character“ as the Flight 815 survivor. („Numbers„)
  • Beside portraying a reporter and a blonde survivor of flight 815, Pamela Larson had also portrayed a guest at Jack’s wedding in „Do No Harm„. It’s unknown if the guest and the blonde survivor were meant to be the same character.
  • Pamela Larson calls her character „the scarf lady“ and „the bandana lady“.


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Doug was a middle section survivor of Oceanic Flight 815. A redshirt member of Locke’s group, he was killed on Day 97 by the mercenaries.

After many uncredited appearances as an extra character across four seasons, the character was finally officially credited by ABC Medianet in „The Shape of Things to Come„, by virtue of a speaking line, in the character’s death scene.

  • Doug was one of the original seven background survivors before it was expanded to thirty-three, and was originally cast as „Passenger #4.“ (The Lostpedia Interview:Sean Douglas Hoban)
  • Doug seemed to have some sort of relationship with the red-haired survivor, as they were seen many times together throughout their time on the Island.
  • Throughout Doug’s appearance on the show his hair color changes. Throughout most of his time on the show, he had blond highlighted hair. On the walk up to the radio tower Doug is seen with the blond highlights in his hair. Though in „The Beginning of the End“ his hair is normal, without any highlights. The highlights were, presumably, to increase his likeness to Charlie’s (as Sean Douglas Hoban doubled for Charlie). Therefore, after Charlie’s death, the highlights were no longer needed.
  • Doug takes his name from the middle name of Sean Douglas Hoban, who portrays him.
  • The actor of Doug also appeared as an DHARMA Initiative extra driving a Jeep with other extras who also portrayed Flight 815 survivors.
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Charlie Pace


Charlie Hieronymus Pace was a survivor from the middle section of Oceanic Flight 815. Before the crash, he was the bassist and principal songwriter for the rock band Drive Shaft. He was addicted to heroin, but he kicked the habit on the island. He also suffered from self-doubt before the crash, but he formed new relationships on the island, including a friendship with Hurley and a romantic relationship with Claire Littleton.

Learning from Desmond he was fated to die, Charlie sacrificed himself to guide the survivors toward safety. After his death, Charlie has continued to guide his friend Hurley.

In the flash-sideways, he was reunited with his lover, Claire Littleton after she gave birth to Aaron, and along with their friends, they moved on.


  • Charlie was the second character to have a flashback, and the fifth character to have a centric episode.
  • Charlie was the second former main character to appear in Season 6.
  • Charlie’s episode count so far is 65. He was killed on his 60th episode appearance.
  • Four of his appearances were made solely by his flash-sideways counterpart.
  • Hieronymus Pace is an anagram for „pious archenemy“This is also shown in the next-to-last episode of Season 3, sealed with a kiss and the last time they see each other; though it is not in the final moments, it is near the end of the episode.
  • „LATE“ Backwards is „ETAL“ which is a latin phrase short for Et Alia which means „and others“.
  • According to Lost co-creator Damon Lindelof, the character of Charlie is an homage to Larry Underwood, a character in Stephen King’s novel The Stand.[1]
    • Larry Underwood also risks his life to save the world after kicking drugs.
  • Charlie was the eighth main character to be killed.
  • Charlie wears a ring with the initials „D.S.“ on the middle finger of his right hand. Initially thought to be a Drive Shaft ring since he pointed to it in the pilot while telling Kate that he’s a member, the ring is actually a family heirloom, as revealed in „Greatest Hits„. The initials stand for Dexter Stratton.
  • In the episode Exodus, Part 2, as Hurley is leaving his hotel, Charlie is a passenger in the overcrowded elevator. As Hurley heads for the exit stairs, Charlie shouts after him, „Some of us have a bloody flight to make!!“
  • During Charlie’s heroin scenes actor Dominic Monaghan is actually snorting brown sugar.
  • In the episode „The Moth„, in which Charlie breaks his addiction, his shirt changes. In previous episodes, Charlie is wearing a striped shirt reminiscent of prison garb.
  • The actor, Dominic Monaghan, has a tattoo on his left shoulder that reads Living is Easy with Eyes Closed, which is a lyric from The Beatles‘ „Strawberry Fields Forever„. This tattoo has become an apparent part of Charlie’s character, as well.
    • In „The End„, we see that the tattoo now has the complete lyric, Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see.
  • Charlie changed the word from „FATE“ to „LATE“ on bandages around his fingers.
  • Charlie is a fan of The Kinks.
    • The Kinks song, „He’s Evil“ was sung by Charlie while he was fishing with Jin, in the episode „The 23rd Psalm„.
    • The band happens to have recorded a song called „The Big Black Smoke.“ The lyrics in this song have some similarities to the things that have happened on the Island, such as „the Monster“ that often appears as black smoke and tries to drag someone down.
  • Charlie’s middle name is Hieronymus. Hieronymus is the Latin version of Jerome, which is Greek for „sacred name“.
    • It was St. Jerome who translated the Bible into Latin.
    • It is also the first name of the Dutch surrealist painter Hieronymus Bosch, famous for his depictions of demons.
    • Hieronymus is also the foreign variant of the name Geronimo, a reference to the band Geronimo Jackson.
  • He had never heard of Geronimo Jackson.
  • Charlie has a fear of bees.
  • One of the first things Charlie does when he arrives on the Island is write „FATE“ on strips of tape around his fingers. The last thing he does on the Island before he drowns is make the sign of the cross. The last thing he does before that is write „Not Penny’s boat“ on his hand and hold it up to the window for Desmond to see.
  • Charlie was the only person who could have turned off the radio jammer after Bonnie was incapacitated, because he was a musician, was familiar with the Beach Boys „Good Vibrations“ (probably played it a few times during his street musician days), and could quickly figure out the notes corresponding to a 16-tone keypad. Sun was also a musician, but might not have been familiar with Beach Boys’ music. This might explain why Ben is so angry and surprised when he is told Charlie is in the Looking Glass, sends Mikhail to kill everyone there, and seems to change to his plans instantly by deciding to intercept the castaways with Alex.
  • In both „Pilot, Part 1“ and „Pilot, Part 2“ Charlie speaks the last words, with a question that leads the episode on a dramatic cliffhanger – „Guys? How does something like that happen?“ („Pilot, Part 1„) and „Guys? Where are we?“ („Pilot, Part 2„)
  • Charlie is the second character who saved Desmond’s life.
    • Locke broke down on top of the Hatch over Boone’s death, giving Desmond hope and resulting in Desmond giving up ideas of suicide.
    • Charlie died in an effort to prevent the Looking Glass from flooding and killing Desmond.
  • Charlie’s checker-pattern shoe is or was on display at the ABC Commissary at the Disney Hollywood Studios theme park in Bay Lake, FL
  • In Hurley’s vision (post-island) Hurley sees Charlie by the „Ho Ho’s.“ Also when Jack and Hurley are playing „H-O-R-S-E“ Jack gets to „H-O“ and then ends. „H“ is the 8th letter in the alphabet and „O“ is the 15th. Which links back to the Numbers 8 and 15 and also the flight number 815.
  • Charlie’s brother, Liam leads their band, Drive Shaft. In Flashes Before Your Eyes and Greatest Hits, Charlie is on the sidewalk singing Oasis’ „Wonderwall.“ Oasis’ lead singer and guitarist/songwriter are brothers; the lead singer’s name is Liam.
  • When Desmond saw Charlie playing the guitar on the street in England, Charlie was singing the Oasis song „Wonderwall“. In this song the lyrics are, „Maybe you’re gonna be the one that saves me“. A precursor to Desmond saving Charlie from death multiple times.
  • Charlie’s appearance when he visits Hurley in the flashforward is very reminiscent of Tyler Durden’s appearance when he returns to The Narrator in Fight Club. They both have closely cut hair, fashionable clothes and large sunglasses.
  • A Drive Shaft CD was a clue for the Find 815 ARG
  • Charlie’s death was voted number 8 in the UK TV special ‘Top 50 TV Endings’.
  • Charlie is one of 22 main characters to have their names appear in a soundtrack title.
  • He is allergic to bees.
  • Last words (vocal): „Your boat! 80 miles offshore! Uhh.. Naomi! The parachutist!“ Last words (written): „NOT PENNYS BOAT“
  • Witnesses of his death: Desmond, Penny
  • Dominic Monaghan based Charlie off of a Monkey. [1]
  • Charlie is one of four main characters to die at a DHARMA station. The others are Ana Lucia, Libby and Juliet.
    • Charlie was the only main character out of them who was not buried outside a DHARMA station.

Charlie’s close encounters with death

Even before Desmond started having premonitions, Charlie had several dangerous brushes with death:

  • During the flight of Oceanic Flight 815, he was originally seated at 29C (see Flight 815 seat numbers), and would likely have been sucked out when the tail section broke off if he had not been in the first-class bathroom when the first turbulence hit. When he exited to find a seat, he narrowly avoided being hit by an accelerating service cart and took an empty seat in the middle section, avoiding the fate of those in the front section. („Pilot, Part 2„)
  • He survived the crash of Flight 815. („Pilot, Part 1„)
  • He stood perilously close to the turbine just before Gary Troup was sucked into it; a few minutes later, a piece of flaming wreckage landed right behind Charlie after the wing fell. („Pilot, Part 1„)
  • He survived a perilous brush with the Monster shortly after arriving in the Island. („Pilot, Part 2„)
  • He stepped on a large beehive. („House of the Rising Sun„)
  • He narrowly escaped being trapped in the caves with Jack. Later he reentered the caves to help Jack get out and they were both trapped again. On the brink of running out of oxygen, Charlie found a way out. („The Moth„)
  • Ethan hanged Charlie from a tree; Jack resuscitated him. („All the Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues„)
  • Charlie was following Hurley across the suspension bridge when it broke. He had to climb up the side of the cliff to avoid falling. Not very long after that, he and Hurley became shooting targets for Rousseau. („Numbers„)
  • Charlie had a large bag of rocks fall on his head, a trap set by Rousseau, during his trek to rescue Aaron. („Exodus, Part 3„)
  • He had another near-miss brush with the Monster during Eko’s first confrontation it. („The 23rd Psalm„)
  • Charlie almost died twice in the Swan. First, he was in the entrance when the dynamite went off, and he was inside when the fail-safe key was turned. („Live Together, Die Alone, Part 2„)

After Desmond started having premonitions, many involved scenarios in which Charlie would die:

  • If Desmond had not constructed a lightning rod, Charlie would’ve been electrocuted. („Every Man for Himself„)
  • When Claire was about to drown, Charlie dived in to save her, and would himself have drowned, had Desmond not rescued Claire first. („Flashes Before Your Eyes„)
  • Desmond revealed to Charlie that he would have fallen into the water and fatally slammed into the rocks if Charlie had tried to catch a seagull for Claire. („Par Avion„)
  • Desmond saved Charlie from being stabbed in the neck by an arrow that was fired as part of a trap set by Rousseau. („Catch-22„)



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Leslie Arzt


Dr. Leslie Arzt was a middle section survivor of Oceanic Flight 815. He was a high school science teacher who managed to discover many new species of insects and arachnids, including the Medusa spider, but was killed on the Island while handling dynamite near the Black Rock on Day 44.

  • While on the way to the Black Rock, Hurley had trouble pronouncing Leslie Arzt’s last name, which is German for „doctor of medicine“ or „physician“ (der Arzt, die Ärzte). Here is their exchange, which was retrieved from the episode transcript:
HURLEY: Let me ask you something, Arnzt —


HURLEY: Arnzt.

LESLIE ARZT: No, not Arnzt. Arzt. A-R-Z-T. Arzt.

HURLEY: Sorry, man. Your name’s hard to pronounce.

LESLIE ARZT: Oh, yeah? Well, I know a bunch of ninth graders who pronounce it just fine.

HURLEY: How about I just call you by your first name?

LESLIE ARZT: How about you don’t?

HURLEY: Why not? I remember it from the plane’s manifest. I think Leslie’s a bitchin’ name.

LESLIE ARZT: Arnzt is fine.”

  • Arzt has appeared in nine episodes as of „Dr. Linus„.
    • Four of his appearances were made by his flash-sideways counterpart.
  • Arzt accurately guessed that the Black Rock was thrown inland by a wave. („Exodus, Part 2„)  („Ab Aeterno„)
  • Out of all the main characters, Arzt only met Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sawyer, Locke, Sayid, Jin, Sun, Claire, Charlie, Michael, Walt, Shannon, Boone, Rose, Nikki and Paulo. He also met Ben in the flash-sideways timeline.
    • Arzt has never been shown meeting Rose, but she lived in the same camp for 43 days before his death.
    • Although they never met, Eko was aware of Arzt. Charlie, when assisting Eko with collecting dynamite warned him to be careful, telling him he didn’t „want to end up like Dr. Arzt“.
  • There are two humorous pseudo-warnings included with the Arzt action figure: „For 9th graders on up“, and „Warning: You may get some Arzt on you“. (See above)
  • Leslie is of Scottish origin, and its meaning is „meadowlands“.
  • Arzt is German for Doctor, hence his name was Doctor Leslie Physician. Also, „Arst“ is Estonian for „medical doctor“.
  • Arzt had a Ph.D. and Sawyer, Charlie, Nikki, and Arzt himself all referred to him as Dr. Arzt.
  • Daniel Roebuck, the actor who portrays Arzt, was also in the film „The Fugitive„, in which he co-starred with L. Scott Caldwell, who plays Rose. The two were finally featured in an episode together, during Season 6.
  • Arzt mentions being a teacher at Pali, an homage to creator J.J. Abrams‘ high school.
  • During Comic Con 2009, a video was shown in memory of significant characters who have died on Lost. Arzt’s name was incorrectly spelled „Artz“.
  • Arzt starts the small trend of characters being killed by holding explosives.




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Boone Carlyle


Boone Carlyle was a middle section survivor of Oceanic Flight 815, and Shannon‘s stepbrother. Before the crash, he had been used by Shannon for money and as a result of this, his love for her was revealed and they had a one-night stand. Throughout his time on the Island, Boone would spend a lot of his time with Shannon before finally getting over his love for her and letting her go. He later became Locke‘s apprentice when the two discovered the Hatch and formed a close bond. Unable to open it, they followed a dream Locke had and found a plane sitting on a cliff. Boone climbed up into the plane but suffered severe injuries when the plane fell to the ground. Despite Jack‘s best attempts to save him, Boone realized he was going to die and told Jack to let him go. After Boone’s death, Locke described him as a „sacrifice the Island demanded.“

In the flash-sideways, Boone was reunited with his stepsister, Shannon, and along with their friends from the Island, they moved on.

  • Boone has appeared in 10 episodes after his death, the most of any deceased main character: „The Greater Good“ as a corpse, „Exodus, Part 1„, „Exodus, Part 2„, „Abandoned“ and „The Other 48 Days“ in flashback, „Further Instructions“ in a hallucination, „Exposé“ in a flashback and „LA X, Part 1“ and both parts of „The End“ in flash sideways.
  • Boone was the ninth character to ever have a flashback.
  • Boone was the first former main character to appear in Season 6.
  • Boone’s total episode count is 28 (one uncredited–in „The Other 48 Days“ his voice was heard over Bernard’s radio); he died in his 18th episode.
  • Boone was the first of Lost’s main characters to die. He died with his eyes open.
  • Boone along with Ana Lucia died in the twentieth episode of their respective seasons.
  • Boone was originally going to be called Boone Anthony Markham V (Called Five by the group). Being called „Five“ would be almost a direct reference to „Fiver“ a character in the book Boone took on the trip, „Watership Down.“
    • On the Season 1 DVD special features, it is revealed that they ran a search and replace on the „Pilot, Part 1“ script, resulting in an accidental change of the story to have Jack say: „1, 2, 3, 4, Boone“.
  • Boone has never met Ben, Ana Lucia, Eko, Daniel, Charlotte, Miles, Richard, Eloise, Pierre, Lapidus and Ilana, however, he has met all of the middle section survivors as well as Bernard.
  • The Chinese figure on Boone’s singlet means the number 84, which is a reference to Yin & Yang – a central symbol in Taoism.
    • 84 is the first two of the Numbers in reverse order.
    • 84 is the sum of 42, 23, 15, and 4.
  • Despite his early death, Boone serves as a plot device or character motivation in almost every season: In season 1, his death causes Locke to continue his quest to enter the Hatch — which, as revealed in season 2, keeps Desmond from committing suicide — referred to in both seasons as „the sacrifice the Island demanded.“ In season 3, a spirit vision of Boone gives Locke the impetus to find the gravely injured Mr. Eko. In season 5, Locke witnesses the night of Boone’s death and implicates it as pivotal in becoming the person he is now.
  • Simon is the name of a character in Lord of the Flies, an often referenced book in LOST, whose death was also rationalized as a sacrifice to an island.
  • The genesis of Boone’s death was him going along with Locke and discovering the hatch in „All the Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues„. This only happened due to a replacement: originally, two new guest characters went with Locke and Boone, and presumably could have changed the course of the show so that Boone would live.
  • Boone is one of four characters to „move on“ in the flash-sideways without being part of a couple. The other three are Locke, Christian and Aaron.
  • Boone is one of 22 main characters to have their names appear in a soundtrack title.
  • Last words: „Tell Shannon…. Tell Shannon…. Tell…..“
  • Witnesses of his death: Jack.


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Rose Nadler


Rose Nadler (née Henderson) was one of the middle section survivors of Oceanic Flight 815. She was on the plane with her husband Bernard, and was separated from him for 48 days following the crash. Rose was a well-meaning, caring woman whose terminal cancer was healed after arriving onthe Island, similar to Locke. After time-travelling to 1974, Rose and Bernard lived in peaceful seclusion in a cabin near the beach, refusing to get involved in any kind of conflict. They reemerged briefly to help Desmond before returning to their hut and were some of the last survivors remaining on the island when the series ended.

In the flash-sideways, she and Bernard moved on along with their friends.

  • Rose was the eighteenth character to ever have a flashback.
    • She and her husband were the first minor characters to have a flashback.
  • Rose, as well as Jack and Cindy are the first characters shown in the first ever flashback and flash-sideways.
  • Rose and Bernard are the only flight 815 survivors to survive the entire series, without ever leaving the island.
  • Rose and Bernard along with Jin and Sun are the only married couples among the crash survivors.
  • Actress L. Scott Caldwell is one of six actors playing a recurring character who who was given billing with the rest of the main cast for the only time in „The End„.
  • Rose appeared on very early cast photos for season 1, one without Claire and the other with both Claire and Rose. This seems to indicate that Rose was, at one time, meant to be a main cast member prior to her upgrade in „The End„.
  • Rose has met all the main characters except Richard, Pierre, Eloise, Ilana and Lapidus.
    • She has not met Ben formally, but she has seen him and knows who he is.
    • Rose has met Penny and Christian in the flash-sideways timeline.
  • Rose has had a longer time–span of recurring status before becoming a regular than any other character.
  • Rose’s total episode count is 26 (as of „The End„).
    • Three of her appearances were made solely by her flash-sideways counterpart.
    • One appearance („Exodus, Part 3„) was portrayed not by L. Scott Caldwell, but by a body double.
  • Rose along with Bernard, Desmond, Frank, Naomi, Jacob, and Ilana are the only recurring characters that received flashback episodes other than the characters comprising the official main cast. Desmond, Frank, Ilana, Rose, and Bernard later joined the main cast.
  • During the DVD audio commentary on „The 23rd Psalm„, the producers talk about the moment in the pilot where Rose says the „Monster“ sounds familiar. They reveal that while searching for monster sounds for „Pilot, Part 1„, they came across the sound of a New York City taxi fare printer, and decided to use the sound for the „Monster.“ This sound would obviously be familiar to Rose, as an inhabitant of the Bronx.
  • L. Scott Caldwell had taken some promotional photos for Season 1, while Rose was not a main character at that time.
  • The flight manifest from the German website states Rose’s full name as „Rose Bernstein“. However, that manifest is an expanded and partially corrected version of the manifest from the Lost: The Untold website, and since both versions of the manifest contain numerous details that contradict information stated on the show itself, they’re to be considered non-canonical.
  • In the 05/21/07 podcast, Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse joked that Rose & Bernard would later have their own romance-themed spinoff show entitled „Rose & Bernard’s Love Island“, with Charlie as a pool boy.
  • In the graphic novel Watchmen, a newsstand vendor named Bernard started his newsstand after his wife, Rose, died of cancer.
  • In the TV Show Twin Peaks, Blackie O’Reilly runs One Eyed Jacks at the behest of owner Ben Horne. Her nickname is „The Black Rose.“
  • Both Rose and Frank are from the Bronx.
  • Film maker Bernard Rose directed the film „Immortal Beloved“ in 1994.
  • In a deleted scene from season 2, it is revealed that Rose has a deceased daughter. Since it is a deleted scene, this is non-canonical.
  • Rose, along with Bernard (and Vincent), were featured on the season 6 poster. Ilana, Walt, Nikki and Paulo, though main cast, are not featured on the final season poster that Rose and Bernard appear in.
  • Rose is one of 22 main characters to have their names appear in a soundtrack title.
  • Rose also one of the few Oceanic Flight 815 survivors, along with his husband Bernard, Hurley, Kate, Sawyer, Claire, Aaron, Walt, Cindy, Zack, Emma and Vincent.

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Walt Lloyd


Walter Lloyd, more commonly referred to as Walt, is one of the middle section survivors of Oceanic Flight 815 and the son of Michael Dawson. People have noticed something „special“ about Walt throughout his life, and he seems to have psychic powers of some sort. Walt was separated from his father as a baby and spent his early childhood living with his mother and stepfather. After the death of his mother when he was ten years old, Michael became Walt’s guardian, shortly before the crash of Flight 815. On the Island, Walt had trouble getting along with Michael, even burning down his father’s first attempt at building a raft to get off the island, but they eventually bonded during their time on the Island.

Walt later left the Island on the raft with Michael, Jin, and Sawyer to search for rescue. However, while they were out at sea, they were attacked bythe Others and he was kidnapped. He was eventually returned to his father in a prisoner exchange for Jack, Kate, Sawyer, and he and Michael left the Island on a motor boat. Since leaving the Island, Walt became estranged from his father and went to live with his grandmother in New York.

When the Oceanic Six returned to the mainland, none of them visited him, in fear of blowing their cover. Instead, three years later, Walt was visited byLocke under his alias of Jeremy Bentham, and in turn he visited Hurley to question their cover story. Locke told Walt that he had last heard that his father was on a freighter near the Island, keeping the knowledge of his father’s death from him. Eventually, after spending some time in Santa Rosa Mental Health Institute, Walt set off to return to the island with Hurley and Ben, who claimed they had a job for him.



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Nikki Fernandez


Nikki Fernandez was one of the middle section survivors from Flight 815. She spent most of her time on the Island isolated from the other survivors with her boyfriend Paulo. Before the Island, she had staged an affair with a producer whom the pair then murdered and robbed. They lost the diamonds they stole in the crash and spent much of their time on the Island trying to recover them. After her greed and anger drove her to throw a female Medusa spider onto Paulo, a male spider bit her, paralyzing her. The survivors mistook her for dead and killed her by burying her alive.

  • Nikki is one of 13 main characters to not have their name appear in a soundtrack title.
  • Nikki has appeared in only one episode after her death, appearing on a television in a flashforward in „Ji Yeon„, although she appeared for less than a second.
  • According to a rough translation of the whispers, Nikki’s name is mentioned in one of the whispers when Hurley spots Jacob’s cabin in „The Beginning of the End„.
  • Nikki was the twenty-second character to ever have a flashback.
  • As of „Ji Yeon„, Nikki’s episode count is 7 (including non-speaking appearances). She died on her sixth appearance.
  • Nikki is the main female character who appears in the least episodes with 7 total.
  • Nikki died in her sixth episode and was the sixth main character to die.
  • Nikki has never met Juliet, Ben, Daniel, Charlotte, Richard, Lapidus, Ilana, Penny, Pierre, Eloise and Christian.
    • However, as they were at the camp at the same time, it is probable that she met Ana Lucia or Libby off-screen.
    • Miles likely saw her dead body after he exhumed the missing diamonds.
  • Miles and Ben are the only characters that knew she was buried alive.
  • Nikki and Paulo were noted by the producers to be the most universally despised characters due to their sudden appearance.
  • Nikki along with Ana Lucia, Eko, Paulo, Walt and Michael did not return to Main Characters status in „The End„.
  • A deleted scene introduced Nikki and Paulo in another way: Claire is taking care of Aaron when she hears some weird noises coming from Jack‘s tent. She starts to call Jack’s name, and when she opens the tent she sees Nikki and Paulo having sex there. This scene was deleted from „Further Instructions„, however pre-broadcast summaries of the episode seem to reference this particular scene, implying that it was removed at the last minute.
  • Nikki and Paulo were the sixth and seventh main characters to be killed.
  • Nikki and Paulo are buried in a different way from any of the other characters that have died on the Island; Boone, Shannon, Ana Lucia, Libby and Scott were buried in individual graves, while Nikki and Paulo shared a large one.
  • According to an Entertainment Weekly article, Nikki and Paulo were originally supposed to be part of a longer storyarc, with one episode having its flashbacks devoted to Nikki’s fictional television show, Exposé, to end with a surprise twist (presumably revealing that those „flashbacks“ were merely part of a television show Nikki was acting in). Faced with the negative fan backlash to the two characters’ abrupt introduction, however, the producers, already facing declining ratings for the show, decided back in December 2006 to trim down the storyarc and kill off the two characters in a single episode.
  • The Monster was heard, but not seen, moments before Nikki receives the spider bite.
  • Nikki originally held the record amount of least number of episode appearances for a main character, with six. However, since she appeared on the television in „Ji Yeon„, she is now joint bottom with Paulo.
  • Originally, only Nikki was going to emerge from the background characters as a main character, but due to the fact Juliet was being newly introduced in Season 3, the producers decided to include a male in the new Season 3 characters, so as to weight it a little more evenly. They then decided to create the character of Paulo as Nikki’s boyfriend and accomplice. [source needed]
  • Marsha Thomason auditioned for the part of Nikki. („Flashback“)
  • Nikki and Paulo are the only main characters to never appear in a season premiere or finale.
  • Paulo was bitten by a female Medusa spider, while Nikki was bitten by a male.
  • On the April 15, 2010 Official Lost Podcast, producer Damon Lindelof responded to a fan question regarding Nikki and Paulo in the flash-sideways, saying, „Let’s just assume that […] she’s on Season 5 of Exposé, Paulo is still cooking for that guy in Australia, and everything is just progressing lovingly.“ Carlton Cuse added that Nikki is probably „still married to that producer dude„.
  • Last words: „Para… lyzed…“
  • Witnesses of death: Paulo




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Paulo was one of the middle section survivors of Flight 815. Before the crash, he worked as a chef. He and Nikki Fernandez conspired and murderedHoward L. Zukerman so they could steal his diamonds. They spent most of their time on the Island searching for these diamonds, to the exclusion of almost everything else. He eventually found the diamonds, but hid them from Nikki, for fear he had outlived his usefulness and she would leave him. Nikki later found out he had the diamonds, and threw a female Medusa spider at him, which bit him and induced a death-like paralysis in him. He subsequently died as a result of being buried alive with Nikki while paralyzed, unable to save himself.

  • Paulo is the only main character who has not appeared in any episodes after his death.
  • Paulo was the twenty-third character to ever have a flashback.
  • Paulo’s episode count is 7. Paulo died on his seventh appearance.
  • He is the only male main characters who appears in only seven episodes.
    • He was the seventh main character to die.
  • Paulo and Nikki are the main characters with the lowest amount of appearances (both appeared in only seven episodes).
  • Paulo is the only main character who appeared in no more than one season.
    • He and Eko are the only main characters not to make an appearance after the season in which they died.
  • Paulo and Nikki are the only main characters to never appear in a season premiere or finale.
  • Paulo is the only main character never to have appeared in an even-numbered season.
  • After the revelation of Libby‘s last name at the 2009 Comic Con, Paulo and Eko remain the only main characters whose last names have not been revealed. (Eko was referred to as „Tunde“, though this has not been proven as his real name.)
    • Paulo was one of three characters whose last names were not revealed on the show.
      • Paulo’s full name is likely Paulo Falcao, as there’s a lot of surnames on the cover of the Complete Collection DVD box, and the surname „Falcao“ was right under Nikki’s surname „Fernandez“. Since Shannon’s surname was right under Boone’s surname, so it can be assumes that some related characters’ surnames are putting together. Furthermore, there’s a former footballer whose name is „Paulo Falcao“, and he is from Brazil too.
  • Paulo has never met Daniel, Charlotte, Richard, Ilana, Lapidus, Penny, Eloise, Pierre and Christian. However, he has met all the other main characters.
    • Paulo saw Ben and Juliet but he never spoke to them.
    • Miles likely saw his dead body after he exhumed the missing diamonds.
  • Miles and Ben are the only characters that know he was buried alive.
  • Paulo along with Ana Lucia, Eko, Nikki, Walt and Michael did not return to Main Characters status in „The End„.
  • Paulo and Nikki were noted by the producers to be the most universally despised characters known to the show, due to their sudden appearance in „Further Instructions„.
  • A deleted scene introduced Nikki and Paulo in alternative way: Claire is taking care of Aaron when she hears some weird noises coming from Jack‘s tent. She starts to call Jack’s name, and when she opens the tent she sees Nikki and Paulo having sex there. This scene was deleted from „Further Instructions„.
  • Paulo is a common name in Portuguese-speaking countries, like Brazil (the actor is Brazilian).
  • Paulo is the Portuguese equivalent of the name Paul. In the New Testament, Paul was not one of the original disciples of Jesus, but was called to become an apostle later. This led to slight contention between himself and the original disciples that was later resolved, but much contention between scholars centuries later – this parallels Paulo’s involvement in the show, as he was not an original cast member but later was fleshed out and it was shown how he connected to the rest of the characters. the word slight is understatement. He held the coats of those who stoned St. Stephen. Stephen’s speech before his executions is summary of the case agaainst the Jews who judged him (Acts 7:1–53). In summary Stephen says you were given the law and have not kept it. Stephen is stoned. Paul approves. In Chapter 8. Paul begins ravaging the houses of suspected Christian, becoming the primary and most educated enemy of Christianity. All of Chapter 9 recounts Paul’s conversion.
  • Paulo is the Portuguese translation of Paolo, which is name of one of the „lustful“ sinners in the classic Inferno by Dante Alighieri. He and his lover, Francesca are condemned to the Second Circle of Hell, where Francesca informs Dante of how she and her husband’s brother (Paolo) committed adultery and died a violent death at the hands of her husband. Many scholars have discussed the fact that in the entire Canto, Francesca is the only person to speak – Paulo does not even speak once. The souls in the Second Circle are those overcome by lust and are blown about to and fro by a violent storm, without hope of rest.
  • Paulo was a very accomplished chef; he was referred to as „Brazil’s Wolfgang Puck“.
    • This was most likely a nod to Rodrigo Santoro, who plays Paulo. In real life, he is referred to as „Brazil’s Tom Cruise.“
  • Nikki and Paulo are buried differently from any other survivor. Boone, Shannon, Ana Lucia, Libby and Scott were all buried in single graves, while Paulo was put in a double-grave with Nikki.
  • In an Entertainment Weekly article, Nikki and Paulo were originally supposed to be part of a longer story arc, with one episode having its flashbacks devoted to Nikki’s fictional television show, Exposé, to end with a surprise twist (presumably revealing that those „flashbacks“ were merely part of a television show Nikki was acting in). Faced with the negative fan backlash to the two characters’ abrupt introduction, the producers decided in December 2006 to trim down the story arc and kill off the two characters in a single episode.
  • On the April 15, 2010 Official Lost Podcast, producer Damon Lindelof responded to a fan question regarding Nikki and Paulo in the flash-sideways, saying, „Let’s just assume that […] she’s on Season 5 of Exposé, Paulo is still cooking for that guy in Australia, and everything is just progressing lovingly.“ Carlton Cuse added that Nikki is probably „still married to that producer dude“.
  • Paulo is one of 13 main characters to not have their name appear in a soundtrack title.
  • Witnesses of death: Nikki
  • Last words: „I was.. Afraid… Of Losing you… If you found the diamonds… You wouldn’t need me anymore…“



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Shannon Rutherford


Shannon Rutherford was a middle section survivor of Oceanic Flight 815 and was the stepsister of Boone Carlyle. She and Boone always argued before and after the crash. Before the crash, her father had died in a car crash and she had been cut off by her stepmother, who also refused to give her any of her father’s money. She used men, especially Boone, to get what she wanted, which eventually led to a one night-stand with Boone. After the crash, she was very selfish at times, refusing to help the other survivors, as she insisted they would be rescued. However, she assisted in trying to get a signal on the transceiver, and used her French skills to translate Rousseau‘s signal. She also had an asthma attack when her inhaler ran out, but Sun eased her symptoms. She eventually formed a romantic relationship with Sayid, which helped her realize her selfishness and led to a change in attitude. As she and Sayid went for a picnic, Boone fell out of a plane and died of injuries. After Boone died, Shannon sought revenge on John Locke, attempting to shoot him, but Sayid interfered. She eventually forgave Sayid, but began to have strange visions of Walt who she thought was on the raft. On day 48 she ran from camp with Sayid to search for Walt; however she collided with the Tailies and was unintentionally shot in the stomach and killed by Ana Lucia Cortez after chasing another image of Walt. She died in Sayid‘s arms having finally gained his confidence and belief in her.

In the flash-sideways, she was reunited with her lover, Sayid Jarrah and along with their friends, they moved on.

  • Shannon has appeared in 5 episodes since her death: „The Other 48 Days“ in a flashback, „Collision„, „What Kate Did“ as a corpse and „Exposé“ in a flashback and „The End“ in a flash sideways.
  • During an interview about conceiving the idea of Shannon, producers stated that Shannon was based on Paris Hilton.
  • Shannon was the fourteenth character to have a flashback and the last of the original cast.
  • Shannon was the only main character not to have a centric episode in Season 1, although she did feature prominently in Boone’s „Hearts and Minds“ flashback.
  • Shannon is the only main character never to have visited a DHARMA station, counting Boone‘s trips to the hatch exterior as visits to a DHARMA station.
  • Shannon’s episode count is 32. She died on her 26th (Sayid & Shannon‘s POV) and 27th (replayed but in the Tailies POV) appearance. In her 28th and 29th she was only present with her corpse and in her 30th appearance she returned via flashbacks. She made her 31st and 32nd appearances via flash-sideaways.
  • Shannon is one of three characters to die in two different episodes („Abandoned“ and „The Other 48 Days„), the second being Daniel („The Variable“ and „Follow the Leader„) the third being Sayid („LA X, Part 1“ and „The Candidate„).
  • Shannon has never met Ben, Daniel, Charlotte, Miles, Richard, Lapidus, Eloise, Pierre and Ilana. However, she’s met the rest of the main fuselage-survivors. She also saw the tail-section survivors briefly, though it should be noted she was dying at the time so this can hardly be termed „meeting“ them.
    • Shannon met Desmond, Juliet, Christian and Penny in the afterlife.
      • It is possible she met Ben offscreen, as he apparently saw everyone going into the church.
  • She died 7 days after her brother Boone.
  • Maggie Grace was billed as a special guest star in „Collision“ and in „Exposé„.
  • Shannon was the second main character to be killed. The first was Boone, making the first two to be killed related.
  • Shannon was the first main character to be killed at the conclusion of Abandoned their flashback episode. The pattern followed with Ana Lucia, Mr. Eko, Nikki, Paulo, Daniel, and Jacob.
  • Maggie Grace, who at the time had brown hair, wore a blonde wig to shoot her flashback scenes for Season 3.
  • Of the 14 original main characters, Shannon is the only one neither seen nor referred to in Season 4.
  • Shannon is one of three characters portrayed by principal cast in Season 2 never to appear in the Swan (the other two being Walt and Claire).
  • Shannon survived on the Island for 48 days. There were 48 survivors of the middle section of Flight 815.
  • Ernest Rutherford, a New Zealand physicist, is known as the father of Nuclear Physics.
  • Bernard is the only surviving character to have witnessed Shannon’s death. Ana Lucia, Eko, Libby, Sayid, Jin and Michael are deceased and Sawyer was unconscious at the time.
  • Shannon is mentioned for the first time since Season Three by Locke in „The Little Prince„. He asks Sawyer who he saw in the jungle „Charlie? Shannon?“
  • Like when Brian Porter told Michael that Walt was „Special“ and Emily Locke told John he was „Special„, Boone also told Locke that Shannon was „Special„.
  • In „Pilot, Part 2„, Shannon says „They’re coming“ to Boone as an explanation of why she will not help look through the debris from the plane. This is the same thing Jacob says to The Man in Black in „The Incident, Part 2„.
  • In „LA X, Part 1„, the flash sideways Boone mentions that he was in Australia to rescue his sister from a bad relationship, almost certainly a reference to an alternate Shannon and her troubles with Bryan, although details are unknown.
    • This was a rewrite due to Maggie Grace turning down an offer to appear in the premiere.
  • In „The Substitute„, it is revealed that Shannon was one of the candidates since her surname is written on Jacob’s Wall, although is crossed out due to her death.
  • Originally, Shannon was set to make an appearance on the final season premiere, but Maggie Grace was unable to film any scenes due to her busy schedule. Thus, the backstory was rewritten to accommodate this.
    • Later, Maggie was able to make an appearance on the final episode „The End„. Executive producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse confirmed to „We’re really excited about having her back on the show,“ says Cuse, „and we have a good story for her.“
  • Shannon was the first main character to be killed by another main character.
  • Last words: „Walt! Wait!“
  • Witnesses of her death: Sayid, Ana Lucia, Bernard, Mr. Eko, Libby, Jin, Michael



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Scott Jackson



Scott Jackson was a middle section survivor of Oceanic Flight 815. His character was commonly mistaken for Steve Jenkins, a confusion that became a running joke in the script. Scott survived on the Island for 28 days before he was murdered, most likely by Ethan Rom.


Scott first appeared during the initial aftermath of the crash and was one of the many who helped the injured directly after the crash. Scott joined others that night to hear the roars and sounds of the Monster emanating from within the jungle. After the group began to panic about their supplies, Sayid made a speech about forming teams to gather items from thewreckage, and he was present to hear this. („Pilot, Part 1„) („Tabula Rasa„)

The next day, he helped gather wood for the mass funeral and attended the funeral for crash victims. The next day Scott and the camp saw a woman drowning in the sea, but they were unable to help her. That night, when the group turned on Boone for stealing water, he was with „SBSSG“ and listened to Jack make his „live together, die alone“ speech. („Walkabout„)(„White Rabbit„)

Scott and Steve formed a friendship of sorts on the Island, which was most likely what led to people mistaking them for each other. After Jack made a decision to move into the jungle and use the caves as a suitable living space, Scott and Steve decided to stay on the beach. On Day 8, Scott was with Steve and Jerome at the beach when Charlie rushed to the beach to inform the survivors that Jack was caught in a cave collapse. Michael asked Scott and Steve to help him, however mistaking them for each other. He was then seen trying to help. („The Moth„)

Scott and Steve were also present for Hurley’s „Island Open“ golf tournament and Jack‘s climactic putt. After the attack on Claire in the caves, Scott and Steve helped Hurley look around for who possibly attacked her. The next day he and Steve were at the beach folding clothes, while Hurley conducted his survey. („Solitary„) („Raised by Another„)

Scott was at the caves when Jack asked the group if they had seen Ethan. („All the Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues„)

On day 28 Scott’s corpse was found on the beach, with several broken bones, battered and bloody. He was allegedly murdered by Ethan when the group did not give Claire back, as he said he would kill the rest of the group one by one. Scott was the first person buried in the survivors’ graveyard, andHurley gave his eulogy at his funeral and apologized for mistaking him for Steve so often. („Homecoming„)





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Joanna Miller


Barbara Joanna Miller, known on the Island by her middle name, was a Flight 815 survivor who drowned on Day 6 while swimming in the ocean. She was referenced in two episodes („White Rabbit„)  („Born to Run„) (being depicted only briefly in a photograph in the latter) and was also mentioned by both the the official novelization Secret Identity as well as the ABC website’s Lost diary by Janelle Granger.

  • Joanna also appears in the Lost novelization Secret Identity and was good friends with the main character, Dexter Stubbs.
  • Joanna’s full name, „Barbara Joanna Miller“, is taken from her passport seen in „Born to Run„.
  • The flight manifest from the German website,, states Joanna’s full name as Joanna Ranting. However, that manifest is an expanded and partially corrected version of the manifest from the Lost: The Untold website, and since both versions of the manifest contain numerous details that directly contradict information stated on the show itself, they’re considered non-canonical.
  • Joanna’s Passport number starts with HNSO. HNSO also appears in Ben and Michael’s Fake Passport numbers.
Categories: Characters, Oceanic Flight 815 survivors | Ознаке: , , , ,

Gary Troup


Gary Troup was a middle-section survivor of Oceanic Flight 815. He was the author of mystery novel Bad Twin and the controversial The Valenzetti Equation. He was one of the people who survived the initial crash of Oceanic Flight 815, but was sucked into a turbine of the plane only minutes afterward, causing the engine to explode and kill him. In „Pilot, Part 1„, he was portrayed briefly by stuntman Frank Torres, but in interviews revealed on the Internet to coincide with The Lost Experience, he was impersonated by an unknown actor. Troup’s name appeared on the wall of Jacob’s cave, suggesting he was a candidate.

  • The man sucked into the jet engine in the opening scene of „Pilot, Part 1“ (stuntman Frank Torres in a role originally known by fans only as „Turbine Man“) was retroactively identified to be Gary Troup, the fictious writer of the Lost tie-in novel Bad Twin, in a New York Times article from May 27, 2006, citing ABC’s senior vice president of marketing, Michael Benson. Joking that being sucked into a jet engine was a fate befitting of the author of Bad Twin,Lost executive producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse also identified the character as Troup in the October 30, 2006 podcast. In the „Lost on Location“ feature for „Exposé“ on the Season 3 DVD boxed set’s bonus disc, first assistant director Rich Sickler also referred to „Gary Troup“ by name while informing the actors and extras that they were going to recreate that scene from „Pilot, Part 1„.
  • Gary Troup was the first person seen to be killed on the show.
  • Anagrams for „Gary Troup“ include „purgatory“ and „Parrot Guy“.
  • The real-life author behind Bad Twin is ghostwriter Laurence Shames .
  • The „Turbine man“ is played by stuntman Frank Torres, who looks completely different from the actor that was chosen for the Book Review interview withLaird Granger.



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Edward Mars


Edward Mars was a United States Marshal who sought to apprehend the fugitive Kate Austen. Their years-long game of cat-and-mouse came to an end when Mars arrested Kate in Australia. He was escorting her on Oceanic Flight 815 to Los Angeles when the plane crashed on the Island. Mars survived three days in excruciating pain, until Sawyer attempted to end his suffering by shooting him in the heart. Sawyer missed the heart and only perforated Mars’ lung. Jack then euthanized Mars.

  • Mars has appeared in 12 episodes, his three final appearances were made by his flash-sideways counterpart.
    • Of these 12 episodes, the only one that was not Kate-centric was „Pilot, Part 1„.
  • Although Edward Mars’ name had been known from for some time, his name was not mentioned on-screen until „I Do„, when he answered a phone as „Agent Mars“, and Kate called him „Edward“. Until this he had been credited on the show as „The Marshal“.
  • Mars has appeared in flashbacks in five episodes since his death on the Island and only two before.
  • Edward Mars is seen to have a wedding band.
  • Eddie Mars is a character in the book The Big Sleep, who runs a casino.
  • ABC frequently credits him as „the Marshall“ in press releases. This is a misspelling of his occupation, which has only one „l“.
  • On 5 April, 1950, the Marshall Mars was lost near Hawaii when an engine fire consumed the airplane after her crew had evacuated.
  • Edward Mars was the first recurring guest star to die, in his third episode.
  • Witnesses of death: Jack, Sawyer, Kate



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Vincent was Walt‘s yellow Labrador Retriever, and the only non-human survivor of Oceanic Flight 815. Throughout his time on the Island, he had many owners, such as Walt, Shannon, and eventually Rose and Bernard.


  • Vincent is of Latin origin, from Vincentius, and its meaning is „prevailing.“ The name originally derives from the Latin verb vincere, meaning „to conquer.“
  • Vincent has met all of the main characters except Richard, Pierre, Penny, Eloise and Ilana.
  • Vincent is the second character introduced in „Pilot, Part 1„, after Jack.
  • Vincent has been played by two different dogs. The original dog is female and her name is Madison, while a second male dog named Pono  later portrayed Vincent.
  • Scenes in the Season 2 DVD extras showed Vincent in the Pala Ferry boat with Walt and Michael. Although he was never seen to be with them at the end of „Live Together, Die Alone„, this led many to believe Vincent had left the Island with them. This was later disproved in „Tricia Tanaka Is Dead„.
  • Wally Bolé“ is an anagram for „Yellow Lab.“
  • In the French-language dub, the name Vincent is never mentioned. The dog is named „Vince“. It’s because of the lips movement of the characters. It was easier for the dubbers to say „Vince“ that, in french, is closer to the way „Vincent“ sounds in English.
  • In an interview, the creators mentioned that at the show’s end, the only character they could promise would be alive was Vincent. (Official Lost Podcast/February 5, 2009) Indeed, the final shot of the series showed Vincent alive, laying next to the dying Jack. He and Walt were the main characters and the only ones of the original characters not shown to have died by the end of the series. Naveen Andrews, who portrayed Sayid Jarrah, had a theory that the series finale would feature rescue boats coming for Vincent while the graves of all the survivors are seen behind him. (Lost: The Complete Second Season (DVD), Canine Castaway) Though he may have been joking, the final scene really did juxtapose a living Vincent against the theme of death and the afterlife explored with the human survivors.
  • According to Damon Lindelof, a flashback for Vincent had actually been planned for the Season 1 finale. The scene would show Vincent’s experience at the airport. However details of the scene were spoiled by the press, so the producers decided not to shoot this unimportant in-joke. (Lost: The Complete Second Season (DVD), Canine Castaway) They later did shoot a scene from Vincent’s perspective in Season 6, showing him spotting Desmond trapped in a well, but they ended up cutting it, leaving it for the DVD. Vincent did, however, receive a flashback in the form of his mobisodeSo It Begins„.
  • Vincent is also one of the few Oceanic Flight 815 survivors, along with his Zach, Emma, Kate, Sawyer, Claire, Aaron, Hurley, Cindy, Rose, Bernard and Walt.


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Hugo „Hurley“ Reyes


Hugo Reyes, more commonly known by his nicknameHurley„, was one of the middle section survivors of the crash of Oceanic Flight 815. Hurley’s father disappeared when he was ten and did not return until Hurley was 27. During his father’s absence, Hurley developed an eating disorder, and later a traumatic accident landed him in a mental asylum where he started seeing an imaginary person. He was overly-conscious about his sanity and weight afterwards. While employed at Mr. Cluck’s, Hurley won the lottery by playing the numbers given to him by Lenny. Because of a series of unfortunate incidents following his win, he believed himself to be plagued with bad luck because of the numbers and searched for an answer to the curse.

On the Island, Hurley was typically happy-go-lucky and kept the spirits of his fellow survivors up. He was also a voice of reason in the group and used his common sense to solve difficult situations. Eventually, Hurley found that he could not escape the Numbers, and after seeing them on the side of the Hatch, believed that opening it would be a bad idea. He struggled with being given the task of dividing up the food in the Hatch and began seeing his old imaginary friend on the Island. Later, he was captured by the Others, along with Jack, Kate, and Sawyer as a part of Michael‘s betrayal, but was released to go back and warn the other survivors not to come for them. Back at camp, Hurley found an old DHARMA van which he was able to get running again with the help of Charlie, Sawyer, and Jin, restoring his and the rest of the survivors’ optimism, and creating a belief in him of self-created luck. He later used the van as a crucial part in the mission to rescue Sayid, Jin, and Bernard.

After Jack called the freighter for rescue, Hurley and five other survivors managed to escape the Island by using a helicopter. However, they were forced to leave everyone else behind when Ben moved the Island. Hurley tried to carry on happily with his life, but began seeing visions of Charlie offthe Island and struggled with accepting the lie they created. Eventually, he was readmitted to the Santa Rosa Mental Institute where he routinely conversed with Charlie and other deceased people. He was removed from Santa Rosa by Sayid, and taken to a „safe house“, where he was mistaken for a murderer. He later threw a Hot Pocket at Benjamin Linus and surrendered to authorities. Hurley was found innocent and released from prison where he was convinced by a man to return to the Island.

He boarded Ajira Flight 316 and was flashed to 1977 where he worked in the kitchen for the DHARMA Initiative. After the detonation of Jughead byJuliet, he time traveled to his original timeline. Soon afterward, the now-deceased Jacob began to appear to Hurley, first telling him to take the wounded Sayid to the Temple, and then instructing him to take Jack to the Lighthouse. Hurley later acted as a medium between Richard and his deceased wife Isabella.

Hurley was confirmed to be one of Jacob’s candidates by Jacob himself. He was visited and touched by Jacob while off the Island. Hurley’s name appears on the wall in the cliffside cave and the Lighthouse wheel as „8 – Reyes“. Hurley eventually took over as protector of the island for Jack and hired Ben as an advisor. („The End„)

In the flash-sideways, Hurley was finally reunited with his murdered island lover, Elizabeth „Libby“ Smith and along with their friends, they moved on.

  • Hurley was the thirteenth character to ever have a flashback.
  • Hurley was the second character to ever have a flash-forward.
  • Hurley is one of the six characters to appear in all six seasons and Missing Pieces along with Jack, Sun, Christian Shephard, Claire and Jin.
  • Hurley’s episode count is 107. He is the third most-frequently appearing character behind Jack and Kate.
  • Hurley, along with Jack, hold the record for longest streak of appearances, both having a streak of 31, both between „Pilot, Part 1“ and „Abandoned„.
  • Hugo is one of 22 main characters to have their names appear in a soundtrack title.
  • Hurley became the third character to appear in 100 episodes, after Jack and Kate.
  • Hurley is one of the seven characters to have a flashback, a flash-forward and a flash-sideways episode centered around them. The other six are Sun, Sayid, Kate, Sawyer, Ben, and Jack.
  • Hurley has met all of the main characters, except Eloise.
  • Hurley is worth $156 million. (That is without counting any potential life insurance he had that his parents could collect after the crash.)
  • The ceiling of Hurley’s bedroom was shaped like a horseshoe, a traditional symbol of good luck. („Tricia Tanaka Is Dead„)
  • Hurley’s nickname, not his forename or surname, is stitched onto the pocket of his DHARMA jumpsuit. He is the only member of the DHARMA Initiative seen to hold this distinction.
  • Hurley’s favorite television show is Exposé. The show that Nikki guest starred on.
  • In the episode „…In Translation„, Hurley can be seen on TV when Jin entered the house of Byung Han, the secretary of environmental safety for the Korean government. This may have been around the time Hurley won the lottery.
  • Hurley can speak fluent Spanish.
  • He owes Walt $83,000 for losing in Backgammon. („…In Translation„)
  • As of „The New Man in Charge„, Hurley used the term „dude“ 329 times.
  • Hurley has been the most slapped character on the show.
  • Hurley’s family name, „Reyes,“ means „kings“ in Spanish.
  • Hurley is the last character ever to have a traditional centric episode.
  • The band, Weezer has made an album called, „Hurley“ with Hurley on the cover.
  • Hurley is one of five original main characters to survive it at the end of the series, ignoring flash sideways.
  • Hurley, along with Sawyer, is one of two main characters who rarely used their actual names.
  • At the 2011 Golden Globes, Ricky Gervais joked that the finale of Lost was complicated, but “from what I can make out, the fat one ate them all“, in reference to Hurley.
  • Hurley has been voted Best Lost Character On Earth by fans of the show.
  • Hurley is also one of the few Oceanic Flight 815 passengers still alive at the end of the show, presuming that deaths are only determined by what is directly seen and said onscreen. This does not include the flash sideways. The others are Zach, Emma, Kate, Sawyer, Claire, Aaron, Walt, Cindy, Rose,Bernard and Vincent.

Lost, Jorge Garcia as Hurley Hugo Reyes





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